/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Comments for this code can be found in source control ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _queryString=function(){ var __pairs = window.location.search.substring(1).split("&"); for(var i=0;i<__pairs.length;i++){ var pos=__pairs[i].indexOf('='); if(pos>=0){ var name=__pairs[i].substring(0,pos).toLowerCase(); var value=escape(__pairs[i].substring(pos+1)); this[name]=value; } } } var queryString=new _queryString(); var fuseaction = queryString['fuseaction']; function QueryString(key){return queryString[key.toLowerCase()];}//only here for backward compatibility, use construct above function GetCaseInSensitive(key){return queryString[key.toLowerCase()];}//only left here just in case someone referenced it outside this file function generalizeDomain(){ var domain = document.domain; if(domain[domain.length-1]===".")return; var domains = domain.split("."); var domainsLength = domains.length; if (domainsLength >= 2){document.domain = domains[domainsLength - 2] + "." + domains[domainsLength - 1];} } var supressFuseactions = {"blog.create":0,"blog.edit":1,"blog.commentreply":2,"blog.comment":3,"forums.post":4,"mail.compose":5,"mail.message":6, "mail.reply":7, "mail.forward":8}; if(typeof supressGeneralizeDomain==="undefined" && typeof supressFuseactions[fuseaction]==="undefined") generalizeDomain(); function full(vid){ var fs = window.open( "../vids.myspace.com/index.cfm@fuseaction=vids.fullscreen&videoid=" + vid, "fsv", "toolbar=no,width=" + screen.availWidth + ",height=" + screen.availHeight + ",status=no,resizable=yes,fullscreen=yes,scrollbars=no"); fs.focus(); } function deleteUser(friendid, name, url){ if(confirm('Are you sure you want to delete '+name+' from your list of friends?')) location.href = url; } var checkflag = "false"; function checkUncheckAll(f){ if (checkflag == "false"){ for (var i=0;i");} var functionString = "updateCountCharacters('" + formElementString + "');"; registerEvent("window", "onload", "registerEvent(\"" + formElementString + "\", \"onkeydown\", \"" + functionString + "\", false);", false); registerEvent("window", "onload", "registerEvent(\"" + formElementString + "\", \"onkeyup\", \"" + functionString + "\", false);", false); registerEvent("window", "onload", functionString, false); setInterval(functionString, 1000); } function updateCountCharacters(formElementString){ var formElement = eval(formElementString); var ID = formElementString + ".CharacterCount"; var formElementValue = formElement.value.replace(/\n/g, '\r\n').replace(/\r\r/g, '\r'); document.getElementById(ID).value = parseInt(formElementValue.length, 10); } function openWin( windowURL, windowName, windowFeatures ) { return window.open( windowURL, windowName, windowFeatures ) ; } function wrapFF(which, atlen){ if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") != -1){ var start = which.innerHTML; var finish = start.substr(0,1); var mini = ""; var inTag = 0; var current = 0; var next = ""; while(start.length){ mini = start.substr(1,1); finish = finish + mini; start = start.substring(1, start.length); switch(mini){ case " ": current = 0; break; case "<": inTag = 1; current = 0; break; case ">": inTag = 0; current = 0; break; default: if (!inTag){ current = current + 1; next = start.substring(0,Math.min(3,start.length)); if (current == atlen && (next.indexOf("<") == -1) && (next.indexOf(">") == -1) && (next.indexOf(" ") == -1) ) { finish = finish + " "; current = 0; } } } } which.innerHTML = finish; } } function stripTicks(str){ return str.replace(/'/g,""); } function get_url() { //el=str, case_sensitive=bool var rs="i"; var urls = document.URL; urls = urls.replace(/'/g,""); var el = "friendID"; var re = new RegExp( "\\?[\\w\\W]*"+ el +"=([^\\&\\?#]*)", rs); var arr = re.exec(urls); if(!arr){ elg = "groupID"; var red = new RegExp( "\\?[\\w\\W]*"+ elg +"=([^\\&\\?#]*)", rs); arr = red.exec(urls); } if(arr && arr.length>1)return arr[1]; else{ var expr = /\/([\w]*)$/i; arr = expr.exec(urls); if(arr && arr.length>1) { return arr[1].toLowerCase(); } else { return ''; } } } var serverPath = ""; function up_launchChat(userID,roomID) { window.open( "../chat.myspace.com/index.cfm@fuseaction=messenger.chatroom&roomID="+roomID, "ICWindow_ChatRoom"+userID+roomID, "status=1,toolbar=0,directories=0,menubar=0,location=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1,width=800,height=600" ); } function up_launchChatWithRoom(userID,roomID, subroomID) { window.open( "../chat.myspace.com/index.cfm@fuseaction=messenger.chatroom&roomID="+roomID+"&subroomID="+subroomID, "ICWindow_ChatRoom"+userID+roomID, "status=1,toolbar=0,directories=0,menubar=0,location=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1,width=800,height=600" ); } function up_launchIC( userID, destinationUserID, destinationName, sender, profile, gender, age, loc, image ) { up_localUserID = userID; var popupWindowTest = null; userProfile = profile; userGender = gender; userAge = age; userLocation = loc; userImage = image; if (sender != 1) { popupWindowTest = window.open( "../chat.myspace.com/index.cfm@fuseaction=messenger&strDestinationUserID=" + destinationUserID + "&sendType=" + sender, "ICWindow_" + destinationUserID, "status=1,toolbar=0,directories=0,menubar=0,location=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1,width=500,height=475" ); popupWindowTest.status = "Myspace.com"; } } function reverse(inputString){ var outputString = ""; for(var i = inputString.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) outputString += inputString.charAt(i); return outputString; } function left(inputString, n){ if (inputString.length > n)return inputString.substring(0, n); else return inputString; } function right(inputString, n){ if (inputString.length > n)return inputString.substring(inputString.length - n); else return inputString; } function padLeft (inputString, stringLength, padCharacter){ var outputString = inputString; var c = padCharacter.substring(0, 1); while(outputString.length < stringLength)outputString = c + outputString; return outputString; } function padRight(inputString, stringLength, padCharacter){ var outputString = inputString; var c = padCharacter.substring(0, 1); while (outputString.length < stringLength)outputString = outputString + c; return outputString; } function BrowserDetect() { var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.isGecko = (ua.indexOf('gecko') != -1 && ua.indexOf('safari') == -1); 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enc1 = enc2 = enc3 = enc4 = ""; } while (i < input.length); return output; } function rsiCheck() { rsi_account = '05C63E675C06B32B95D2EB5B05584CF4'; rsi_site = 'D0A4162C9E7B7CD278E3DFBA81C09652'; document.write(''); document.write(''); } function rsiWriteCookie() { var expirationDate = new Date(); var derdbBase64 = readCookie('DERDB'); if (derdbBase64 != null) { derdbPlain = decode64(unescape(derdbBase64)); if (derdbPlain.indexOf('rsi_want=') != -1) { newPair = 'rsi_want=' + rsi_want; regEx = /rsi_want=\d*/gi; derdbPlain = derdbPlain.replace(regEx, newPair); } else { derdbPlain = derdbPlain + '&rsi_want=' + rsi_want; } expirationDate.setYear(expirationDate.getFullYear()+1); document.cookie = "DERDB=" + encode64(derdbPlain) + "; path=/; domain=" + document.domain + "" + expirationDate.toGMTString(); } } // begin MySpace header code var rows = ["row0","row1","row2"]; var searchItems= ["tweb","tms","tpeople","tmusic","tblog","tvid","tfilm","tbooks","tclass","tcomedy","tevents","tgroups"]; 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else getIMwin(475,600); } // end MySpace IM code // Hover Tool Tip // declare main ToolTip variable var msToolTip = { // ToolTip properties xOffset : 0, yOffset : 0, ID : "msToolTip", arrowID : "msToolTipArrow", showDelay : 150, hideDelay : 450, created : false, timerMsgDiv : null, timerArrowDiv: null, msgDiv : null, arrowShow : 0, arrowDiv : null, arrowImgUp : "../x.myspace.com/images/arrowUp.jpg", arrowImgDown : "../x.myspace.com/images/arrowDown.jpg", arrowImgLeft : "../x.myspace.com/images/arrowLeft.jpg", arrowImgRight: "../x.myspace.com/images/arrowRight.jpg", arrowDir : 0, // 0 - Up, 1- Down, 2- Left, 3 - Right // define Dimension getLeft : function(){ this.left = 0; if (typeof window.pageXOffset == "number") this.left = window.pageXOffset; else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft) this.left = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; else if (document.body && document.body.scrollLeft) this.left = document.body.scrollLeft; else if (window.scrollX) this.left = window.scrollX; 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