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43026The Story of Philosophy / Durant Will (1953) 49154Creative Evolution / Bergson Henri (1998) 26470Joan Haste / Haggard Henry Rider (1895) 56587教育學 / Kairov E.A. (1953) 77504自然哲學 / Schlick Moritz 1882- (1997) 89065Niu-meng / Voynich E. L. (1953) 89066卓婭和舒拉的故事 / Kosmodemianskaiya Li (1952) 5622Prague Spring / Zeman (1968) 52365A philosophy of man / Schaff Adam (1963) 31045One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich / Solzhenitsyn Alexand (1970) 82032佐 治芻言 / Fryer John 1839-1928 (1896) 7485遠西機器圖說錄 / Terentius Joannes 15 88930社會主義神髓 / 幸德秋水, 1871-1911 (1997) 25062The revolution betrayed / Trotsky Leon 1879-19 (1970) 45812現身說法 / Tolstoi Leo (1981) 45430System of logic ratiocinative and inductiv / Mill John Stuart 180 (1879) 64625Political economy / Leontiev A. (1935) 81213悲劇的誕生 / Nietzsche Friedrich (2002) 66822A history of politics / Jenks Edward 1861-19 (1900) 88928新 工具 / Bacon Francis 1561-1 (1997) 89847精神分析引論 / Freud Sigmund 1856-1 (1997) 81056新 階級 / Djilas Milovan 1911- (1957) 41665浮士德 / Goethe Johann Wolfga (1987) 55890Khrushchevism / Gunawardhana Theja (1963) 82597少年維特的煩惱 / Goethe Johann Wolfga (1997) 57318被 開墾的處女地 / 肖洛霍夫 (1961) 45613The sketch book of Geoffrey Crayon gent. / Irving Washington 17 (1939) 46858Don Quixote / Cervantes Saavedra M (1956) 64675羅素及勃拉克講演集 / Russel Bertrand 1872 (1921) 43809The Thaw / Ehrenburg Ilja Grigo 33653痴漢騎馬歌 / Cowper William 1731- (1996) 47355Sans Famille / Malot Hector 1830-19 (1879) 54977The nineteenth century / MacKenzie Robert 182 (1880) 56731A study of history / Toynbee Arnold J. (1946) 82031佐 治芻言 / Chambers William 180 (2002) 67611The grand tactician / Pistrak Lazar (1961) 56797Wie der Stahl gehaertet wurde / Ostrovsky Nikolai (1948) 82408烏托邦 / More Thomas Sir Sain (1982) 56699Robinson Crusoe / Defoe Daniel (1974) 65609La nausee / Sartre Jean-Paul 190 (1970) 38945孟德斯鳩法意 / Montesquieu Charles (1981) 88097你 到底要甚麼? / Kochetov Vsevolod An 4975What is it what you want / Kochetov V. A. (1970) 76689Niu-meng / 伏尼契, 艾 . 麗 ., 1 (1953) 42398One World / Willkie Wendell L. (1943) 39165A Ticket to the Stars / Aksenov Vassilii Pav (1963) 55875The Necessity for Choice / Kissinger Henry (1962) 52314Wilhelm Tell / Schiller Friedrich v 67994愛 的教育 / 亞米契斯, 1846-1908 (2002) 71924佐 治芻言 / Fryer John 1839-1928 (2002) 60278賣 華女 / Shaw Bernard 1856-19 (1982) 83940存在與時間 / Heidegger Martin 188 (1987) 81527迦茵小傳 / Haggard Henry Rider (1981) 91337紅 與黑 / Stendhal 1783-1842 (1989) 66418紅 與黑 / Stendhal 1783-1842 (1984) 57320靜靜的頓河 / 蕭洛霍夫 (1988) 47279原富 / Smith Adam (1981) 38600Looking Backward 2000-1887 / Bellamy Edward 1850- (1960) 72498塊 肉余生述 / Dickens Charles 1812 (1981) 45567創化論 / Bergson Henri 28757悲劇的誕生 / Nietzsche Friedrich (1976) 42376The Psychology of Sex / Ellis Havelock 1859- (1938) 45422蘇聯共產黨(布)歷史簡明教程 / 聯共 (1955) 54018蘇聯共產黨(布)歷史簡明教程 / 聯共 (1954) 47094Victims and Heroes / Simonov Konstantin (1963) 83566佐 治芻言 / Fryer John 1839-1928 (1897) 49581Progress and Poverty / George Henry 1839-18 (1949) 54630互助論 / Kropotkin Petr Aleks (1921) 59737李爾王 / Shakespeare William (1976) 57200Die Kameliendame / Dumas Alexandre 1802 (1999) 88924蘇魯支語錄 / Nietzsche Friedrich (1997) 20830Selected Poems / Byron George Gordon (1993) 14465巴黎茶花女遺事 / Dumas Alexandre 1824 (1981) 56591L'etranger / Camus Albert (1968) 38765少年維特之煩惱 / Goethe Johann Wolfga (s.a.) 44428Roter Stern ueber China / Snow Edgar 1905-1972 (1978) 906拜輪詩選 / 拜輪, 1788-1824 75852紅 與黑 / Stendhal 1783-1842 (1986) 91473Tzu-jen che-hsueeh / Hegel Georg Wilhelm (1980) 46564The principles of scientific management / Taylor Frederick Win (1998)
The Story of Philosophy / Durant Will (1953)
Creative Evolution / Bergson Henri (1998)
Joan Haste / Haggard Henry Rider (1895)
教育學 / Kairov E.A. (1953)
自然哲學 / Schlick Moritz 1882- (1997)
Niu-meng / Voynich E. L. (1953)
卓婭和舒拉的故事 / Kosmodemianskaiya Li (1952)
Prague Spring / Zeman (1968)
A philosophy of man / Schaff Adam (1963)
One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich / Solzhenitsyn Alexand (1970)
佐 治芻言 / Fryer John 1839-1928 (1896)
遠西機器圖說錄 / Terentius Joannes 15
社會主義神髓 / 幸德秋水, 1871-1911 (1997)
The revolution betrayed / Trotsky Leon 1879-19 (1970)
現身說法 / Tolstoi Leo (1981)
System of logic ratiocinative and inductiv / Mill John Stuart 180 (1879)
Political economy / Leontiev A. (1935)
悲劇的誕生 / Nietzsche Friedrich (2002)
A history of politics / Jenks Edward 1861-19 (1900)
新 工具 / Bacon Francis 1561-1 (1997)
精神分析引論 / Freud Sigmund 1856-1 (1997)
新 階級 / Djilas Milovan 1911- (1957)
浮士德 / Goethe Johann Wolfga (1987)
Khrushchevism / Gunawardhana Theja (1963)
少年維特的煩惱 / Goethe Johann Wolfga (1997)
被 開墾的處女地 / 肖洛霍夫 (1961)
The sketch book of Geoffrey Crayon gent. / Irving Washington 17 (1939)
Don Quixote / Cervantes Saavedra M (1956)
羅素及勃拉克講演集 / Russel Bertrand 1872 (1921)
The Thaw / Ehrenburg Ilja Grigo
痴漢騎馬歌 / Cowper William 1731- (1996)
Sans Famille / Malot Hector 1830-19 (1879)
The nineteenth century / MacKenzie Robert 182 (1880)
A study of history / Toynbee Arnold J. (1946)
佐 治芻言 / Chambers William 180 (2002)
The grand tactician / Pistrak Lazar (1961)
Wie der Stahl gehaertet wurde / Ostrovsky Nikolai (1948)
烏托邦 / More Thomas Sir Sain (1982)
Robinson Crusoe / Defoe Daniel (1974)
La nausee / Sartre Jean-Paul 190 (1970)
孟德斯鳩法意 / Montesquieu Charles (1981)
你 到底要甚麼? / Kochetov Vsevolod An
What is it what you want / Kochetov V. A. (1970)
Niu-meng / 伏尼契, 艾 . 麗 ., 1 (1953)
One World / Willkie Wendell L. (1943)
A Ticket to the Stars / Aksenov Vassilii Pav (1963)
The Necessity for Choice / Kissinger Henry (1962)
Wilhelm Tell / Schiller Friedrich v
愛 的教育 / 亞米契斯, 1846-1908 (2002)
佐 治芻言 / Fryer John 1839-1928 (2002)
賣 華女 / Shaw Bernard 1856-19 (1982)
存在與時間 / Heidegger Martin 188 (1987)
迦茵小傳 / Haggard Henry Rider (1981)
紅 與黑 / Stendhal 1783-1842 (1989)
紅 與黑 / Stendhal 1783-1842 (1984)
靜靜的頓河 / 蕭洛霍夫 (1988)
原富 / Smith Adam (1981)
Looking Backward 2000-1887 / Bellamy Edward 1850- (1960)
塊 肉余生述 / Dickens Charles 1812 (1981)
創化論 / Bergson Henri
悲劇的誕生 / Nietzsche Friedrich (1976)
The Psychology of Sex / Ellis Havelock 1859- (1938)
蘇聯共產黨(布)歷史簡明教程 / 聯共 (1955)
蘇聯共產黨(布)歷史簡明教程 / 聯共 (1954)
Victims and Heroes / Simonov Konstantin (1963)
佐 治芻言 / Fryer John 1839-1928 (1897)
Progress and Poverty / George Henry 1839-18 (1949)
互助論 / Kropotkin Petr Aleks (1921)
李爾王 / Shakespeare William (1976)
Die Kameliendame / Dumas Alexandre 1802 (1999)
蘇魯支語錄 / Nietzsche Friedrich (1997)
Selected Poems / Byron George Gordon (1993)
巴黎茶花女遺事 / Dumas Alexandre 1824 (1981)
L'etranger / Camus Albert (1968)
少年維特之煩惱 / Goethe Johann Wolfga (s.a.)
Roter Stern ueber China / Snow Edgar 1905-1972 (1978)
拜輪詩選 / 拜輪, 1788-1824
紅 與黑 / Stendhal 1783-1842 (1986)
Tzu-jen che-hsueeh / Hegel Georg Wilhelm (1980)
The principles of scientific management / Taylor Frederick Win (1998)
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