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Access: (downloaded 20-03-2013)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:Baohuanghui scholarship / Baohuanghui scholarship
Orig. URL:
Description:HTML files
Collections:Dachs - Blog
Summary:A collaborative forum for documenting and presenting Baohuanghui research. The Baohuanghui (Protect the Emperor Society) was founded by exiled Chinese reformer Kang Youwei in 1899 to promote constitutional reform in China. It became the first and the largest Chinese transnational organization with at least 150 chapters worldwide and a broad reach into China. The documents on this blog are updated frequently, and scholarly input is requested.
Loc. note:Images are missimg
Related names:Worden, Robert L.
Larson, Jane Leung
K'ang, Yu-wei, 1858-1927 - Travel
China - History - Reform movement, 1898
K'ang Yu-wei, 1858-1927

Access: (downloaded 28-03-2018)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:外交部:中方是否派團赴梵蔕岡參會與兩國關係無關 / 中國 新聞 網
Wai-chiao pu: chung-fang shih-fou p'ai t'uan fu fan-ti-kang ts'an hui yü liang kuo kuan-hsi wu-kuan / Chung-kuo hsin-wen wang 新浪 網 (12 Mar. 2018)
Orig. URL:
Description:10 css, 12 gif, 6 html, 13 js, 23 jpg, 62 png files (2.35 MB)
Corp. body:中國 新聞 網
Chung-kuo hsin-wen wang
Subjects:China - Foreign relations - Vatican
Christian communities - China
Lu K'ang, 1968-

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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