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Material:Computer file
Title:中國古琴歌 : 古琴曲
Chung-kuo ku-ch'in ko : ku-ch'in ch'ü
Published:China Travel & Tourism Press
Description:1 MP3 file (47:37 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Language:chi. ; eng.
Bib. note:For additional information on the textual history of the pieces see booklet (in English)
Loc. note:Original cover lost
Contents/Access:醉漁 唱晚 -- play
長 相思 -- play
梅花 三 弄 -- play
古辭 -- play
石山 流泉 -- play
酒狂 -- play
風 求 鳳 -- play
良宵 引 -- play
古怨 -- play
鷗 鷺 忘 機 -- play
滿江 紅 -- play
瀟湘 水 雲 -- play
Related names:李祥廷 [琴演奏]  Li Hsiang-t'ing [perf.]
Subjects:Music - China
Ch'in (Musical instrument)
Ch'in music
Li Hsiang-t'ing

Material:Computer file
Title:中國古琴歌 : 古琴曲
Chung-kuo ku-ch'in ko : ku-ch'in ch'ü
Published:China Travel & Tourism Press
Description:1 MP3 file (47:37 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Language:chi. ; eng.
Bib. note:For additional information on the textual history of the pieces see booklet (in English)
Loc. note:Original cover lost
Contents/Access:醉漁 唱晚 -- play
長 相思 -- play
梅花 三 弄 -- play
古辭 -- play
石山 流泉 -- play
酒狂 -- play
風 求 鳳 -- play
良宵 引 -- play
古怨 -- play
鷗 鷺 忘 機 -- play
滿江 紅 -- play
瀟湘 水 雲 -- play
Related names:李祥廷 [琴演奏]  Li Hsiang-t'ing [perf.]
Subjects:Music - China
Ch'in (Musical instrument)
Ch'in music
Li Hsiang-t'ing

Shelfmark:4258-4448 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國古琴歌 : 古琴曲
Chung-kuo ku-ch'in ko : ku-ch'in ch'ü
Published:China Travel & Tourism Press
Description:1 sound cassette (47:37 min) : analog, stereo
Language:chi. ; eng.
Bib. note:For additional information on the textual history of the pieces see booklet (in English)
Loc. note:Original cover lost
Contents/Access:醉漁 唱晚
長 相思
梅花 三 弄
石山 流泉
風 求 鳳
良宵 引
鷗 鷺 忘 機
滿江 紅
瀟湘 水 雲
Related names:李祥廷 [琴演奏]  Li Hsiang-t'ing [perf.]
Subjects:Music - China
Ch'in (Musical instrument)
Ch'in music
Li Hsiang-t'ing

Shelfmark:4258-4448 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:中國古琴歌 : 古琴曲
Chung-kuo ku-ch'in ko : ku-ch'in ch'ü
Published:China Travel & Tourism Press
Description:1 sound cassette (47:37 min) : analog, stereo
Language:chi. ; eng.
Bib. note:For additional information on the textual history of the pieces see booklet (in English)
Loc. note:Original cover lost
Contents/Access:醉漁 唱晚
長 相思
梅花 三 弄
石山 流泉
風 求 鳳
良宵 引
鷗 鷺 忘 機
滿江 紅
瀟湘 水 雲
Related names:李祥廷 [琴演奏]  Li Hsiang-t'ing [perf.]
Subjects:Music - China
Ch'in (Musical instrument)
Ch'in music
Li Hsiang-t'ing

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© 1998-2009 Institute of Chinese Studies,
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
The database behind is Allegro-W3 V2.5.
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