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The following short text was written by Jimu Langge to introduce his first collection of poetry, The Silent Revolver.

In a brief text written in 1995, Han Dong tried to sum up his ideas about poetry reading and writing in ten maxims.

In an article published last year on a site devoted to Chinese art and literature criticism, Duo Yu set out some of his views on poetry. An excerpt translated from this article spells out the poet’s o...

I have described our new Poet of the Quarter, Jun Er, as a “misfit” and I mean this in the kindest possible sense: her match with the drab realities sadly known as “life” is far from perfect. Needless...

Welcome! Shang Qin is the China domain’s new poet of the quarter. Although no longer a soldier, Shang continues to fight, but now for a more worthy cause: the life we kill in ourselves. Shang Qin’s po...

In order to alter the groove a little, our new Chinese poet of the quarter is a long way temperamentally from our previous featured writer, Song Xiaoxian. Song has his creative roots in the countrysid...

Last year, on a twenty-hour bus trip from Brisbane to Australia’s capital city Canberra, I took along the latest edition of the China New Poetry Yearbook [Zhongguo xinshi nianjian] for inspirat...

Song Xiaoxian’s poetry seems simple at first reading, but give it time, as Xin Boping found out, and it can scorch and cut you.

Contemporary mainland Chinese poetry was born on 23 December 1978, the day on which members of the Today! [Jintian] editorial team pasted up copies of their unofficial literature magazine on va...

Since 1998, Zhai Yongming has run a wine bar in her home city of Chengdu. In a recent report published on the Chinese literary website, readers are given a glimpse of this more public...

In the following undated statement from the 1990s, Zhai Yongming attempts to summarize the most essential aspects of the poetic art as she conceives it.

At the end of her 1996 collection Cheng zhi wei yiqie (Call It Everything), Zhai Yongming added the following short essay reflecting on some of the important issues at stake in her conception of poet...

Contemporary mainland Chinese poetry was born on 23 December 1978, the day on which members of the Today! [Jintian] editorial team pasted up copies of their unofficial literature magazine on va...

Contemporary mainland Chinese poetry was born on 23 December 1978, the day on which members of the Today! [Jintian] editorial team pasted up copies of their unofficial literature magazine on va...

Contemporary mainland Chinese poetry was born on 23 December 1978, the day on which members of the Today! [Jintian] editorial team pasted up copies of their unofficial literature magazine on va...

After establishing email contact with Shuijing Zhulian, I put the following questions to our current poet of the quarter on the subjects of poetry and creativity. She was kind enough to provide these ...

Contemporary Chinese poetry was born on 23 December 1978, the day on which members of the Today! [Jintian] editorial team pasted up copies of their unofficial literature magazine on various wa...

A recent issue of the Chinese literary magazine Huacheng featured a dialogue between the poet Yu Jian and the critic Xie Youshun. In this excerpt, they discuss the importance of the body and tiyan (“p...

“Falling in love”, Lü De'an once declared in an interview, is what made him take up writing poetry. In this very recent interview with Zeng Hong, first published in Chinese in February 2003 on the Po...

Simon Patton recently emailed Sheng Xing to find out a little bit more about him. This is how he responded...

Contemporary mainland Chinese poetry was born on 23 December 1978, the day on which members of the Today! [Jintian] editorial team pasted up copies of their unofficial literature magazine on va...