Italy - Poetry International Web login
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Can I send my poems to Poetry International Web for publication?
Poetry is selected by the individual country editors of PIW only. Unsollicited submissions will not be accepted. If you would like to bring something to the attention of the country editors, you may contact them by email (See Contact). However, we do not advise you to contact them about publishing your work.

How can my country participate in Poetry International Web?
For each new country, a national country editor needs to be appointed for Poetry International Web. This national editor is responsible for the content, maintenance and funding of his or her national site and has an advisory function within Poetry International Web. National editors can make use of an editorial board for advice. The size of the country in question or the number of important literary organisations present may make such a board necessary. It is up to the national editor to assemble such a board and to determine the character and the frequency of its cooperation. National editors are appointed in consultation with persons and/or organizations in the country in question that are acquainted with the potential available in that country with regard to this function. The central bureau presents a profile and task description to these persons and/or organizations. These may themselves qualify for the function, or will nominate a suitable candidate.

Why is Poetry International Web organized according to country, instead of language area?
For practical reasons a structure of national sites has been decided upon. A categorisation based on language would be unworkable, as some language areas (e.g. English, Spanish) are too large, and this would not do justice to the diversity of its various regions. Diversity is better served with a categorisation of poetry per country or another geographically delineated area. Poets from the diaspora or poets not native to a certain country may still be treated as belonging to that country’s domain. One domain may include several languages.

What is the profile of a national editor for Poetry International Web?
A National (country) editor should
- preferably be connected to some literary organization or publication in his or her country, provided the organization or publication is politically independent and held in high esteem by the target group.
- possess a broad knowledge of the poetry of his or her country.
- (if applicable) be acquainted with the poetry from different language areas in his or her country, and with the work of native poets who are living abroad.
- be well acquainted with organisations and events relevant to poetry in the country in question.
- have a network of translators, poets, editors, etc., in the country in question.
- have an excellent command of English.
- have some experience in journalism.
- have affinity with and experience of the internet.

Are poets, translators and other contributors paid for publications on Poetry International Web?
Poets and translators are paid for the publication of their poems and translations on the national domains of Poetry International Web. Fees are also paid for articles written for the international domain.

Who decides which poets are published on Poetry International Web?
This is decided by the national (country) editors of Poetry International Web.

Can Poetry International Web link to my website?
You can send an email with the URL and a short description of your website to Poetry International Web (see Contact). The relevant central or national editor, depending on where you would like your link to be displayed, will let you know whether your site will be listed.

How frequently will new material be published on Poetry International Web?
A monthly magazine issue featuring new material from several countries will be published on the first of each month. Each country publishes at least four new poets a year, alternating with the other countries in the monthly magazine. The poetry newslog on the international domain will be updated as frequently as possible.