Philosophy and Religion

edited by Hanno E. Lecher
Last updated on 28 Oct 2008, 54 main entries

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  1. Essential!
    Hanquan Database of Ancient Texts 故宮【寒泉】古典文獻全文檢索資料庫 (Chen Yufu 陳郁夫, Palace Museum Taipei, Taiwan)
    Language: Chinese (Big5).
    Resource type: Searchable fulltext database.
    Description: This widely known database is now freely available on-line! The search interface is simple but efficient, at least Boolean searches (and/or) are possible, and within each textcorpus you can search single parts or the whole text. The results include the context of the search word/phrase, and references to the printed edition (volume, page, etc.).
    Site contents: (1) Shisan jing 十三經 (based on Ruan Yuan's 阮元 edition, but without commentaries); (2) Xian-Qin zhuzi 先秦諸子 (Pre-Qin Philosophers; containing Xunzi 荀子, Laozi 老子, Zhuangzi 莊子, Liezi 列子, Mozi 墨子, Yanzi Chunqiu 晏子春秋, Guanzi 管子, Shangjunshu 商君書, Shenzi 慎子, Hanfeizi 韓非子, Sunzi 孫子, Wuzi 吳子, Yinwenzi 尹文子, Lüshi chunqiu 呂氏春秋); (3) Quan Tang shi 全唐詩 (Complete Tang Poems; based on the Zhonghua shuju 中華書局 edition in 25 vols); (4) Song Yuan xu'an 宋元學案; (5) Mingru xue'an 明儒學案; (6) Siku quanshu zongmu 四庫全書總目; (7) Zhuzi yulei 朱子語類; (8) Hong lou meng 紅樓夢 (Dream of the Red Chamber); (9) Baisha quanji 白沙全集 (Complete works of Chen Xianzhang 陳憲章, 15th c.); (10) Zizhi tongjian 資治通鑑; (11) Xu Zizhi tongjian 續資治通鑑; (12) Ershiwu shi 二十五史 (25 Histories; each to be searched eperately). More texts will be added in the future.
    Note: No access restriction! (But frames capable browser needed).
    Added 22 Oct 1999 (HL), last revised 28 Oct 2008 (HL).

  2. Essential!
    Scripta Sinica 漢籍電子文獻 (Academia Sinica Computer Center (ASCC), Taiwan)
    Language: Chinese (Big5).
    Resource type: Fulltext database.
    Description: One of the major fulltext database projects currently under way. The texts are carefully proofread and relatively reliable. Currently (Oct 1999) the database contains some 140 mio characters, growth rate is 10 mio characters per annum. Although the search program is extremely mighty, most of its capabilities remain unexploited in the WWW version (see note below).
    Site contents: (1) Ershiwu shi 二十五史 (25 Histories); (2) Shisan jing zhushu 十三經注疏 (13 Classics with Commentaries); (3) Ancient Chinese Texts (excerpts) 上古漢語語料庫 - 摘要 (includes Lunyu 論語, Mengzi 孟子, Mozi 墨子, Zhuangzi 莊子, Xunzi 荀子, Hanfeizi 韓非子, Lücshi chunqiu 呂氏春秋, Laozi 老子, Shangjunshu 商君書, Guanzi 管子, Yanzi chunqiu 晏子春秋, Sunzi 孫子); (4) Taiwan fangzhi 臺灣方志 (Local Histories of Taiwan); (5) Taiwan dang'an 臺灣檔案 (Taiwan Historical Archive); (6) Taiwan wenxian 臺灣文獻 (Documents from Taiwan); (7) Wenxin diaolong 文心雕龍; (8) Fojing sanlun 佛經三論 (Three Treatises of Buddhist Canon); (9) Yao Jiheng zhuzuoji 姚際恒著作集 (Collected Works of Yao Jiheng); (10) Xin Qing shi 新清史 - 本紀; (11) Yuefu shiji 樂府詩集. Access to the following parts of the database is restricted: (1) Zhuzi 諸子 (Pre-Han Philosophers); (2) Guji shiba zhong 古籍十八種 (18 Ancient Texts); (3) Guji sanshisi zhong 古籍三十四種 (34 Ancient Texts); (4) Dazheng xinxiu da zangjing 大正新脩大藏經 (Taisho Tripitaka); (5) Qingdai jingshi wenbian 清代經世文編; (6) Zhonghua minguo shishi rizhi 中華民國史事日誌 (Diary of the Republic of China, 1912-1949).
    Note: For sophisticated research purposes the telnet version remains the best solution. European scholars may use the telnet access to the 25 Histories at Heidelberg University. A detailed description of all its possiblities will be available there soon (Nov. 1999).
    Added 23 Oct 1999 (HL), last revised 10 Mar 2003 (JH).

  3. Essential!
    Resources for the Study of East Asian Language and Thought (Charles Muller, Toyo Gakuen University, Japan)
    Language: English. Some of the fulltext material is in Chinese (different codes, some in JIS).
    Description: This site is maintained by Charles Muller (Toyo Gakuen University, Japan) and containes the following sections: 1. WWW CJK-English Dictionary Database; 2. Dictionary of East Asian CJK ("Chinese-Japanese-Korean") Buddhist Terms; 3. Korean Buddhism WWWVL Page (directory of Web sites and other information related to the study of Korean Buddhism); 4. Home Page for the Electronic Buddhist Text Initiative (EBTI); 5. Electronically published texts and reference works by Charles Muller and others (HTML articles; translated Chinese classics; E-texts of Buddhist, Confucian and Taoist classics; guide to graduate studies in Asian Philosophy and religion; other reference materials; self-introduction, and more); 6. Directory of on-line CJK E-texts (scriptural E-texts on the Web for Buddhist, Confucian and Taoist Studies); 7. Scholarly Web Resources in Buddhism (annotated links to significant textual resources on the Web); 8. Scholarly Web Resources in Confucianism and Taoism (annotated links to significant textual resources on the Web); 9. WWW CJK Character Lexicons (including Muller's CJK-English Dictionary and list of other significant Web-based CJK lexicographical data sources).
    Added/revised on 08.08.98

  4. Very useful
    Chinese Philosophy Page (Steven A. Brown,
    Language: English.
    Self description: "The purpose of this page is to provide all the information available on the Internet about Chinese philosophy and philosophy related subjects [...]".
    Site contents: Texts (very useful: access point to texts available on-line, arranged by schools of thought, and including texts in GB, Big5 and English); Mailing Lists; Chinese Philosophy Links; Recommended Books; General Philosophy Links; Other Links. Includes discussion board and mailinglist.
    Added 24 Apr 2000 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).

  5. Essential!
    Warring States Project (E. Bruce Brooks/A. Taeko Brooks, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA)
    Language: English.
    Self description: "The Warring States Project is a center and international contact point for research on China's classical period (the 05th through 03rd centuries) and the beginning of the Imperial period following. Its approach is based on the researches of Bruce and Taeko Brooks into the dates of the texts on which our knowledge of that period largely rests. Their work solves some long-standing philological problems in a chronologically consistent way. The redated text sources, in turn, yield a historically plausible account of China's formative centuries. They reveal, for the first time, the "Hundred Schools" dialogue actually in the process of taking place, and generally clarify the development of ideas and events leading up to the Chinese Empire. The ultimate effect of this work is to require a reconsideration of previous ideas about the classical period, and thus to clarify its value for comparative history, and its true relevance to contemporary situations."
    Site contents: (1) News; (2) The Project; (3) Methodology (History Basics; Acquiring Statistics; Beginning Philology; Mrs McMillan's Class; Antiquity Frenzy; Anyway Club; Advice to Students); (4) Comparative history; (5) Indica (The Great Transition; Kautilya's Maxims); (6) Tools (Text Typology; Chu Language; Warring States Texts); (7) Digital Indexes; (8) Connections (Internet Links; Romanization Tables; Sino-Platonic Papers; WS Bookshop; Used Book Corner); (9) E-Mail (List Protocol; Making Contact); (10) Conferences (Travel Advice; Lecture Index); (11) Journal; (12) Publications (Book Series; The Original Analects; Supplement to TOA); (13) Class Support; (14) Implications (Asian Values; Political Rights); (15) On-line Publications (Acquiring Statistics; Beginning Philology; The Great Transition; Kautilya's Maxims; Mrs McMillan's Class; Supplement to TOA; Warring States Texts).
    Resource suggested by E. Bruce Brooks, Warring States Project, University of Massachusetts, USA.
    Added 28 Jun 2000 (HL), last revised 26 Dec 2003 (HL).

  6. Very useful
    Classical Chinese Literature (Rick Harbaugh, USA)
    Language: English.
    Description: Part of the Chinese Character Genealogy page, this site contains fulltext versions of several major Chinese classics (Daodejing 道德經; Sunzi bingfa 孫子兵法; Tang shi sanbai shou 唐詩三百首; Lunyu 論語; Zhongyong 中庸; Daxue 大學; and Xiaojing 孝經). Each character is hyperlinked to its definition and etymology as given in the Chinese Character Genealogy database. Further references to other on-line sources are provided.
    Note: Frames capable browser needed!
    Added/revised on 30.01.1998 (HL)

  7. Texts and Bibliographies Online
    This page is part of the homepage of EASL (European Association of Sinological Librarians) and offers a list of Chinese texts (philosophy, literature, history etc.) which you can download or view from the various existing databases on the internet. Probably this site could develop into a valuable internet biobliography of Chinese texts in the future.

  8. Chinese Culture - Texts
    Maintained by Paul Halsall, Brooklyn College, this site offers a wide range of English summaries or selections of: Confucian and Legalist Texts; Daoist Texts; Buddhist Texts; Other Original Chinese Texts in Translation (Yijing 易經, The Art of War 孫子兵法, poetry, etc.); Other Sources for the Study of Chinese Culture (Matteo Ricci: The Art of Printing; Selection from his Journals; recent press reports on several topics, etc.); Basic Guides to Chinese Culture; and Locally Prepared Reference Texts. Bibliographical data and occasionally links to fulltext versions available elsewhere are given.

  9. Chinese Ethics (Comparative Ethics) (University of Hong Kong, HK)
    A philosophy class site focusing on classical Chinese ethics. In addition to reading assingments tutorial questions and final exam questions, contains summaries of all the course lectures. Main figures covered are Confucius, Mozi, Mencius, Laozi (Lao Tzu), Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu) and Xunzi (Hsun Tzu).

  10. Chinese Classics
    You'll find pre-Qin philosophers, poetry, prose, biographies from the Shiji 史記, commentaries like Wenxin diaolong 文心雕龍, novels, and other classical literature.

  11. Zhonghua wenhua wang 中華文化網 (Chinese Culture Net) (Wu Hengsheng 吳恆昇)
    Language: Chinese (Big5).
    Description: Wu Hengsheng, student of International Business at the National Taiwan University, has put on-line an impressive amount of basic works of Chinese philosophy, literature, and history. Be careful, though, with the reliablity of these texts, since private endeavors like this usually lack the necessary amount of proofreading by different experienced scholars!
    Resource suggested by Clemens Ziesché, Bonn, Germany.
    Added 29 Apr 1999 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).

  12. China the Beautiful
    Maintained by Prof. Pei Minglong 裴明龍 (USA), this site is "serving as a primary resource site for the Chinese classics, arts, history, literature, poetry, calligraphy, and paintings [...]".

  13. Interesting
    SageSource - Digital Publications (Gary Arbuckle, British Columbia, Canada)
    Language: English.
    Description: Contains publications on East Asia (some English translations of primary sources or parts thereof as well as some secondary materials on Chinese history, philosophy, and society) as free HTML texts as well as some free graphics and photos.
    Resource suggested by Barend ter Haar, Heidelberg University, Germany.
    Added/revised on 10 Feb 2000 (HL)

  14. Asian Studies Development Program (ASDP): Syllabus and Bibliography Collection Online
    Resources on Asia for college courses, provided by the Kapiolane Community College, the East-West Center and the Univ. of Hawaii. "This full-text database of Asian studies instructional materials contains course syllabi, bibliographies, and other documents collected by ASDP in the course of its five years of faculty development institutes and workshops. These materials are the core of the database, but other Asianists and instructors of courses dealing with Asian topics are also invited to submit materials to be considered for inclusion in the Collection." This database contains material on the following topics: Accounting; Anthropology; Art; Asia/Comparative; Asian Studies; Bibliographies; Business Administration; Communications; East Asia; Economics; Education; Film; History; International Studies; Literature; Medicine; Miscellaneous; Philosophy; Political Science; Psychology; Religion; Sociology; Social Work; Telecommunications; Theater & Dance; Women's Studies.

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  15. Essential!
    Confucius2000 = 孔子2000 (Confucius2000, [China?])
    Language: Chinese (GB).
    Supplied note: "The most highly trafficked Chinese site on Confucianism. Hundreds of articles by contemporary Chinese scholars on a wide variety of topics, updated daily" [cited from, accessed 5 Feb 2005].
    Description: The site also includes a very powerful search facility able to search either the complete site or only certain parts. An extra search facility with predefined search terms (mostly names of scholars such as Qian Mu etc.) is also available.
    Site contents: (1) 孔子 Confucius; (2) 儒家 Confucianism; (3) 道家 Taoism; (4) 异域之声 Voices from East and West; (5) 学术界 Scholarship; (6) 思史言诗; (7) 文献资料 Sources; (8) 新教化论坛 Discussion board; (9) 学人文集 Articles by scholars; (10) 学术期刊 Journals; (11) 动态与信息 State of the field; (12) 公告栏 News; (13) 清华大学简帛研究 Tsinghua University research on ancient bamboo and silk documents; (14) 周易研究 Research on the Yijing; (15) 经典教育大家谈 Discussion forum on education on the Classics; (16) 邵雍研究 Research on Shao Yong; (17) 国学五百问 Classical Chinese Studies FAQ; (18) 诸子百家研究 Research on the philosophical schools of the Zhou Dynasty; (19) 张载祠与横渠书院 The shrine of Zhang Zai and his academy; (20) 情感与正义 - 伦理与法律 Emotion and Righteousness - Ethics and Law; (21) 儒学与宗教问题争鸣 Confucianism and Religion; (22) 佛学研究 Buddhism; (23) 日本儒学 Confucianism in Japan; (24) 二十世纪中国思潮 Trends of thought in 20th Century China; (25) 东洋社会思想学会 Society of East Asian Philosophy (Korea); (26) 段正元与道德学社 Duan Zhengyuan and the Society of Ethics; (27) 泰州学派 School of Taizhou; (28) 程园与两程祠 Park and shrine of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi; (29) Site search.
    Resource suggested by Rudolf Wagner, Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg University, Germany.
    Added 06 Feb 2005 (HL)

  16. Very useful
    Lexicon of Confuzianism (Lao Sze-kwang, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
    Language: Chinese (Big5). Main page in English.
    Description: A dictionary including explanations on philosophical concepts, short biographies of philosophers, and descriptions of the most important classics and - probably the core of this site - of a rich collection of commentaries.
    Note: Capital letters are relevant when using the search function!

  17. Confucianism
    Language: English.
    Description: A very short introduction by Judith Berling.

  18. Useful
    Virtual Religion Index - East Asian Studies (Mahlon H. Smith, Religion Department, Rutgers University, NJ, USA)
    Language: English.
    Description: This is a subside of the award-winning Virtual Religion Index. All links are annotated, often stating authors and sources. Most links do work. There is a site-map on the "home" page, but no search.
    Site contents: China - General; Confucian Classics; Taoist Sources; Japan - General; Shinto.
    Added 12 Mar 2004 (MA)

  19. Useful
    The Cult of Confucius: Images of the Temple of Culture (Thomas A. Wilson, Hamilton College, USA)
    Language: English, with a few Chinese characters in Big5.
    Description: A general survey of the official status of Confucianism; including some photographs of Confucian temples in Beijing, Qufu, Hangzhou, and Quzhou; a list of key dates for enshrinement in the temple and Confucius' posthumous titles; and a bibliography of sources. Intended for undergraduates, but - according to the author - should be interesting for sinologists, too.
    Added/revised on 29 Feb 2000 (HL)

  20. Essential!
    Chinese Philosophical Etext Archive (Wesleyan University, USA)
    Language: English, Texts in Chinese (Big5).
    Description: This database was formerly known as Wesleyan Neo-Confucian Etext Project. Site contents: (1) Pre-Qin Texts (incl. Analects 論語, Great Learning 大學, Mencius 孟子, Doctrine of the Mean 中庸, and selected chapteres of Xunzi 荀子); (2) Song through Mid-Qing Texts (incl. texts by Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤, Zhang Zai 張載, Zhu Xi 朱熹, and Wang Yangming 王陽明); (3) Late Qing and Republic Texts (incl. texts by Tan Sitong 譚嗣同, Liang Qichao 梁啟超, and Chen Duxiu 陳獨秀). An advanced searching module is in preparation.
    Added 24 Jun 1998 (HL)

  21. The I Ching on the Net
    This page on the Book of Changes (Yijing 易經) offers an impressive range of links to Yijing resources in all languages all over the web: Translations; Chinese Texts; Conventional Commentaries; Unconventional Commentaries; Divination on the Net; Yijing Software; and a list of General China/Chinese Resources on the web.

  22. Index to Shaughnessy Translations in I Ching (Nathan Sivin, History and Sociology of Science, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA)
    Language: English.
    Description: A simple index to the hexagrams in "Shaughnessy, Edward L.: I Ching. The Classic of Changes. New York: Ballantine Books 1996".
    Information supplied by Nathan Sivin (
    Added 28 Sep 1998 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).

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  23. Essential!
    The Taoism Information Page (Gene Thursby, Univ. of Florida, USA)
    Language: English.
    Description: This site is a reliable and very well annotated reference to find resources on Daoism on the Net. Offering "English-language scholarly and philosophical information" (self description), it contains only very few links to Chinese language material. Since February, 1998, it is part of the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library project.
    Site contents: (1) Introductions to Taoism or Daoism; (2) Chinese Language and Culture; (3) Classical Texts (Tao Te Ching or Dao De Jing; Chuang-tzu or Zhuang-zi; I Ching or Yi Jing; The Sun-tzu Art of War); (4) Acupuncture, Alchemy, Feng Shui; (5) Buddhism and Confucianism; (6) Chinese Philosophy; (7) Taoism and Martial Arts; (8) Taoism and Modernity; (9) Taoist Commercial Sites; (10) Other Information Sources.
    Added 02 Feb 1998 (HL), last revised 22 Dec 2004 (HL)

  24. Essential!
    Daoist Studies (Daoist Studies, Dept. of Religion, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada)
    Language: English.
    Self description: "[...] a scholarly, non-profit, Internet resource for Daoist Studies that aims to foster international scholarly communication about the study of Daoism. [...] This website aims to publish information regarding the texts, practices, beliefs and social history of Daoism as part of this integral (though complex and diverse) living religious tradition."
    Description: This Web site may develop into the main portal site for Daoist Studies, with scholars from around the globe as its contributors.
    Site contents: (1) Teaching (Syllabi; more to follow); (2) Research (Events; Research Guide; Paper Abstracts; Book Notes; Websites); (3) Contributors (restricted area for contributors); (4) Books; (5) About the Site; (6) Site Index.
    Note: Some of the contents are available for registered users only, but registration is free.
    Resource suggested by Fabrizio Pregadio, Technische Univ. Berlin, Germany.
    Added/revised on 03 May 2000 (HL)

  25. Essential!
    Digital Resources in Daoist Studies (Fabrizio Pregadio, Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, Nov. 2004)
    Language: English, with some Chinese characters (UTF-8).
    Description: This paper is a very valuable structured introduction to digital resources on Daoism. It discusses websites, bibliographic databases and digital texts, and introduces the Jindan Database as ongoing work on a lexical Database on Chinese alchemy. In the appendix, a list of 15 Websites on Daoism is provided, with short annotations.
    Site contents: (1) Websites on Daoism (Indexes to Daoist collections; Digital texts; Encyclopedias, dictionaries, text abstracts; Bibliographies; Journal articles and indexes); (2) A Bibliographic Database on the Daoist Canon; (3) Daoist Digital Texts; (4) A Lexical Database on Chinese Alchemy; (5) Appendix: Selected Websites on Daoism.
    Added 22 Dec 2004 (MA)

  26. Essential!
    Taoist Studies in the World Wide Web (Fabrizio Pregadio, Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA)
    Language: English.
    Description: Very rich guide crammed with information on important on-line resources on Taoism. Includes bibliographical references and a list of online essays and papers.
    Site contents: (1) Daozang (Taoist Canon) & Other Collections; (2) Texts; (3) Books; (4) Essays; (5) Conference Abstracts; (6) General Reference Works; (7) Bibliographies; (8) Scholarly Associations; (9) Conferences & Exhibitions; (10) Journals; (11) Websites on Taoism; (12) Other Collections of Links.
    Resource suggested by Fabrizio Pregadio, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany.
    Added 27 Sep 2000 (HL), last revised 22 Dec 2004 (HL)

  27. Useful
    Virtual Religion Index - East Asian Studies (Mahlon H. Smith, Religion Department, Rutgers University, NJ, USA)
    Language: English.
    Description: This is a subside of the award-winning Virtual Religion Index. All links are annotated, often stating authors and sources. Most links do work. There is a site-map on the "home" page, but no search.
    Site contents: China - General; Confucian Classics; Taoist Sources; Japan - General; Shinto.
    Added 12 Mar 2004 (MA)

  28. The Taoist Restoration Society (TRS) (Taoist Restoration Society, Chicago, IL, USA)
    Language: English.
    Description: Self-description: "The Taoist Restoration Society is a U.S. nonprofit corporation dedicated to the rehabilitation and rebirth of China's Taoist tradition. [...] The Taoist Restoration Society believes that it is vital that we protect the world's vanishing cultures and ancient traditions. Those of us who deeply respect and appreciate China's ancient Taoist tradition must act now, while modern chaos and destruction are still reversible." Site contents: (1) Introduction; (2) Taoism Explained; (3) Projects; (4) Field Notes; (5) Interview (In-depth Interview with an Important Member of the Taoist Community); (6) Reclusions (Guided Tours of China's Taoist Sites); (7) Q & A; (8) Get Involved/Donations; (9) Library; (10) TRS Staff; (11) Images; (12) Taoist Calendar; (13) Taoist Life (What it means to be a Taoist in China Today); (14) Message (Priodic State-of-the-Universe Essay from TRS); (15) Directory (Listing of Taoist Temples, Schools, and Sites Through North America and Beyond); (16) Taoist Discussion Board; (17) Books (Recommended Bibliography, Interactive Book Reviews); (18) Taoist Personals (Personal messages and Ads for the Taoist Community); (19) Further Links.
    Added/revised on 16.12.1998 (HL)

  29. Very useful
    Chad Hansen's Daoist Home Page
    Language: English.
    Description: This site contains mainly articles on interpretations of Chinese Philosophy, particularly Daoism (Taoism) and Classical Chinese theories of language and mind, written by Chad Hansen, University of Hong Kong.

  30. The Taoist Canon. A Guide to Studies and Reference Works
    This is an updated English version of an article first published in Italian, "Il Canone Taoista (Tao-tsang). Guida agli studi e alle opere di consultazione", Cina 24 (1993): 7-39, compiled by Fabrizio Pregadio, University of Venice (Italy). It contains: (1) Introductions to Taoism and Taoist Studies; (2) The Taoist Canon: General Studies; (3) Studies on the history of the Taoist Canon; (4) Modern reprints; (5) Catalogues; (6) Indexes and concordances; (7) Other collections of Taoist texts; and (8) Bibliographies.

  31. Dokisha (Daoqishe) Homepage
    Language: Some in Japanese (SJIS), some in Chinese (Big5, GB).
    Description: A website built by Prof. Mugitani Kunio of Kyoto University containing materials useful for Taoist and Buddhist studies. The home page is in Japanese, the online text archive includes online texts encoded in Chinese and/or Japanese characters. There is also a searchable text archive that allows searching catalogues of Taoist and Buddhist collections and twenty Taoist texts encoded in Japanese.
    Information supplied by Fabrizio Pregadio, University of Venice, Italy
    Added/revised on 25 Oct 1999 (HL)

  32. Dr. Russell Kirkland (Homepage) (Russell Kirkland, Dept. of Religion, Univ. of Georgia, USA)
    Language: English.
    Cited description: "Russell Kirkland received his [...] M.A. in Religious Studies (1982) and Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Cultures (1986) from Indiana University. He has taught Asian Religions and related subjects [... and published] studies of the history and religions of China, Tibet, Korea, and Japan. [...]"
    Contents: (1) Vita; (2) Publications (all available fulltext in PDF format); (3) Syllabi; (4) Study Guides; (5) Links.
    Resource suggested by Russell Kirkland, Univ. of Georgia, USA.
    Added 29 Sep 1999 (HL), last revised 17 Jan 2006 (HL)

  33. Useful
    Daoism Depot (Po-Han Lin,
    Language: English.
    Description: Site contents: Discussion Forum; Chat Room; Mailing List; Introduction to Daoism; Daoist Scriptures (Daodejing, Zhuangzi, and Daoist Canon); Daoism Chinese Characters Guide; Daoism Art Gallery; Daoism Recommended Readings; Daoism Resources; Related Subjects (Yijing, Art of War - Sunzi).
    Added/revised on 23.02.1998 (HL)

  34. Useful
    Sinophilia - Religions (Diana Lavarini & Anna del Franco, Italy)
    Language: English, some essays in Italian.
    Self description: "Dedicated to Taoism and Buddhism, our pages on Chinese religions include introductory information and specific essays on scriptures, deities, religious places and more. Please note that contributions to this section must be scholarly and not focused on personal spiritual issues."
    Description: Diana Lavarini and Anna del Franco are graduates in Oriental Languages and Literatures at Venice University, Italy.
    Site contents: (1) Taoism - Introduction (History of Taoism; The Taoist Canon; Bibliography of Taoist Studies); (2) Taoist places (Temples; Sacred Mountains); (3) Taoism - Essays; (4) Buddhism (Guanyin; Fat Buddhas).
    Resource suggested by Diana Lavarini, Sinophilia Homepage, Italy.
    Added 19 Apr 1999 (HL), last revised 04 May 2004 (HL).

  35. The Golden Elixir
    "'The Golden Elixir' introduces some facets of the history and doctrines of Chinese alchemy. The site contains essays, Chinese texts, concordances, pictures, and bibliographies. These materials may be of interest to those studying Taoism, the history of Chinese science, and comparable traditions in other cultures."
    Added/revised on 19 May 1999 (HL)

  36. Very useful
    Chuang Tzu (Zhuang Zi)
    Language: English.
    Description: Written by Chad Hansen (University of Hong Kong), "this introductory encyclopedia article seeks to explain Chuang Tzu's philosophical position without relying excessively on the now widely questioned assumption that he learned The Dao (Tao) from Laozi (Lao Tzu). It focuses on his relations to the analytic philosophical tradition of ancient China."

  37. Science and magic in Ge Hong's "Baopu-zi nei pian" (葛洪﹕抱朴子內篇) (Evgueni A. Tortchinov, August 1998)
    Language: English.
    Supplied note: "A paper by Evgueni A. Tortchinov (St. Petersburg State University, Russia) from The 8th International Conference on the History of Science in China. Berlin, August 23 - 27, 1998." The paper is published by the Alchemy WWW Virtual Library, which maintains specialist sections on Western, Islamic, Indian, and Chinese alchemy. (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Sept. 1998).
    Information supplied by Evgueni Tortchinov (
    Added 28 Sep 1998 (HL)

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  38. Essential!
    Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library (T.M. Ciolek, Austrialian National University, Australia)
    Language: English.
    Description: Probably the most important list of links related to Buddhism and Buddhist studies. The page is part of the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library.
    Added/revised on 02.02.1998 (HL)

  39. Useful
    Virtual Religion Index - Buddhist Tradition (Mahlon H. Smith, Religion Department, Rutgers University, NJ, USA)
    Language: English.
    Description: This is a subside of the award-winning Virtual Religion Index. All links are annotated, often stating authors and sources. Most links do work. There is a site-map on the "home" page, but no search. There is also an East Asian Studies section with links to Confucian, Taoist, and Shinto resources.
    Site contents: Buddhist Studies: General Resources; Siddartha Gautama - the Buddha; Theravada; Mahayana; Nichiren; Shin (Pure Land); Vajrayana (Tibetan); Zen (Ch'an).
    Added 12 Mar 2004 (MA)

  40. Electronic Buddhist Text Initiative (EBTI) (Toyo Gakuen University, Japan)
    Language: English.
    Supplied note: "The EBTI is a loosely-knit organization of individuals, groups and institutions who are seeking to develop cooperation, collaboration, and standards for the task of the digitization of various forms of Buddhist Studies research materials. The site contains reports of the most recent EBTI meeting (in Taipei, 1/99), and all prior meetings."
    Resource suggested by Charles Muller (
    Added/revised on 06. Mar. 1999 (HL)

  41. Zhonghua dianzi fodian xiehui 中華電子佛典協會 = Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA) (Yinshun Foundation of North America, NJ, USA, and Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, Taipei, Taiwan)
    Language: Chinese (Big5), parts also in English.
    Description: The main aim of CBETA is to make a large corpus of the Chinese Buddhist scriptures available electronically. The result will be a searchable database that satisfies highest scholarly standards and is accessible via the WWW.
    Note: Frames capable browser needed!
    Added 07 Mar 1999 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).

  42. Essential!
    CBS Comprehensive Online Buddhist Resources (Center for Buddhist Studies CBS, National Taiwan University)
    Language: Chinese (Big5), some parts also available in English.
    Description: Site contents: Introduction; Bulletin; Buddhist News in Taiwan; Readers' Comments; Bibliography Retrieval; Fulltext Journals; Fulltext Books; Buddhist Libraries; Chinese Buddhist Sutras; Sanskrit Buddhist Sutras; Tibetan Buddhist Sutras; Pali Buddhist Sutras; Sanskrit Lessons; Pali Lessons; Tibetan Lessons; Multimedia Resources; Chinese Buddhist Net; World Buddhist Net; Buddhist Institutes; Fonts for Buddhist Usage.
    Note: Mirror pages are available at Univ. of Heidelberg (Germany) and Ohio State Univ. (USA).
    Added/revised on 08. Mar. 1999 (HL)

  43. Essential!
    The Electronic Bodhidharma
    Language: English; some texts in Japanese (JIS) and Chinese (Big5).
    Description: Provided by the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism, Kyoto, Japan, this site offers a very large collection of Buddhist primary text materials on the Internet and information on the following topics: Electronic Zen Texts (JIS and Big5); Buddhist Input Projects; Zen Art; Institute Information; Zen Centers and Masters; Zen Bibliographies and Text Information; Electronic Text in East Asia.

  44. Very useful
    WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts (Christian Wittern, Documentation and Information Center for Chinese Studies (DICCS), Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, Japan)
    Language: English, with Chinese (Big5) and Japanese (Shift-JIS).
    Self description: "The WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts is a comprehensive list of Chinese Buddhist texts. It currently contains 4418 texts by 1513 authors/translators/compilers. [...]"
    Description: This database is an index to the texts in the following collections or catalogues: (1) Taishoo Shinshuu Daizookyoo 大正新修大藏經; (2) Tripitaka Koreana 高麗大藏經; (3) Zhonghua Dazangjing 中華大藏經; (4) Dainippon Zokuzookyoo 大日本續藏經; (5) 'A catalogue of the Chinese translation of the Buddhist Tripitaka' by Bunyiu Nanjio, Oxford 1883, which is based on 大明三藏聖教目錄. Although the texts themselves are not incorporated (or linked) yet, the database offers very interesting information on the various links between the texts, translations, and commentaries, and for many texts also the structure is listed (discerning texts and subdivisions of texts).
    Added 02 Mar 1999 (HL), last revised 15 Jan 2004 (MA/HL)

  45. Dokisha (Daoqishe) Homepage
    Language: Some in Japanese (SJIS), some in Chinese (Big5, GB).
    Description: A website built by Prof. Mugitani Kunio of Kyoto University containing materials useful for Taoist and Buddhist studies. The home page is in Japanese, the online text archive includes online texts encoded in Chinese and/or Japanese characters. There is also a searchable text archive that allows searching catalogues of Taoist and Buddhist collections and twenty Taoist texts encoded in Japanese.
    Information supplied by Fabrizio Pregadio, University of Venice, Italy
    Added/revised on 25 Oct 1999 (HL)

  46. Essential!
    Digital Dictionary of Buddhism (Charles Muller, Toyo Gakuen University, Japan)
    Language: English and UTF-8-encoded CJK characters.
    Self description: "This dictionary is a compilation of Buddhist terms, texts, temple, schools, persons, etc. that are found in East Asian Buddhist canonical sources. While there is obviously a basic layer of East Asian terminology, since much of what East Asian Buddhists have written about is the Buddhism of India, Central Asia, and Tibet, the content of this database/dictionary/encyclopedia/translation glossary is pan-Buddhist in character. This project, which was initiated in 1986, is to the best of our knowledge, the most comprehensive compilation of Buddhist terms presently available in English. It is an ongoing project, that is being actively supported through the collaboration of a number of scholars in the field of Buddhist Studies. [... S]tarting with this most recent implementation, users have access to a supplementary comprehensive index of East Asian Buddhist lexical and bibliographical sources as part of a standard full-text search of the dictionary itself. This makes the DDB a truly indispensable resource for scholars and students of Buddhism."
    Added on 08 Aug 1998, last revised 17 Nov 2001 (HL)

  47. Falun Gong - Evaluation and further references (Barend ter Haar, Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg, Germany)
    Language: English.
    Self description: "Here, I have included a short scholarly evaluation, followed by a brief personal comment, a bibliography, a list of the resources available at our Sinological Institute, as well as links to various relevant sites in the Internet maintained by the Falun Gong itself, by scholarly institutions or by its adversaries (specifically in the People's Republic of China). As far as the actual practices and teachings of the Falun Gong are concerned, my remarks should be considered preliminary impressions, rather than a definitive analysis. I have set up this page in order to facilitate our students and other people interested in the Internet to built their own view of the situation and the religious tradition involved."
    Added 14 Nov 1999, last revised 07 Sep 2000 (HL)

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  48. Essential!
    Ricci 21st Century Roundtable on the History of Christianity in China (The Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History, University of San Francisco, CA, USA)
    Language: English is the main language - many data in Chinese, French, Portuguese and other languages.
    Self description: "This database is a repository of primary and secondary sources on the history of Christianity in China. Our primary focus is the construction of the archival, biographical and bibliographical sources of China mission history, but because of the vast historical scope of this field of study, many related subjects are necessarily included in the database: analyses of the Chinese social landscape, religious and philosophical questions, the scientific, technical, and educational contributions of the missions."
    Site contents: Archives; Bibliographies; Biographies; Directory of scholars interested in China and Christianity; Institutions; (Image and Sounds will be released soon).
    Note: Warning: Does not support any browser but MS IE 4.0 or higher!!
    Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (26 Apr 1999) by Lawrence Crissman (; update information by Elisa Oreglia (
    Added/revised on 18 Mar 2000 (HL)

  49. Useful
    Orthodoxy in China (Department for external Church relations Moscow Patriarchate, Russia)
    Language: Russian, Chinese, English.
    Description: Information on the Orthodox Church in China.
    Site contents: English part contains: (1) Icon of the New Martyrs of China; (2) Stars of the Orient. In Memory of the New Martyrs of China; (3) The Orthodox Church in China: its Problems and Prospects; (4) Orthodox books Library (in Russian).
    Resource suggested by Priest Dionisy (, Study group on orthodox affairs in China, Russia.
    Added 26 Nov 2000 (HL)

  50. Religion and Rebellion in China: the London Missionary Society Collection (Andrew Gosling)
    Language: English.
    Description: Supplied note: "A revised version of an article 'Religion and Rebellion in China: the London Missionary Society Collection' by Andrew Gosling published in National Library of Australia News, 8(10), July 1998, pp 3-6. [...] The article deals with the London Missionary Society collection of Chinese language sources held at the National Library of Australia. This collection includes rare items from the Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864), one of the greatest upheavals in modern Chinese history. After the Taiping items, the most significant materials in the collection are the Bible translations and other Christian works in Chinese." (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Sept.. 1998).
    Information supplied by Andrew Gosling (
    Added/revised on 18.09.1998 (HL)

  51. Amity News Service
    The "Amity News Service Homepage brings monthly plus occasional news updates about the protestant church in China. With documentation of religious laws and regulations etc."

  52. Modernization, the Church and the East Asian Experience
    Conference papers on the Catholic and Protestant Churches in China, given at the 1996 Orlando Costas Consultation on Global Mission (Boston Theological Institute).
    Added 13 Jul 1998 (HL), last revised 12 Mar 2003 (JH).

  53. Useful
    香港天主教教區檔案 = Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan Archives (Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan Archive, Hong Kong, China)
    Language: English, Chinese (Big5).
    Site contents: (1) Historical Documents; (2) The Archives Holdings (1841-1969); (3) Rare Books; (4) Illustrated Catechism; (5) The Cathedral; (6) Church Buildings; (7) Leading Events (1841- ); (8) The Succession Line (1841- ); (9) Statistics (1705- ); (10) In Memory (short biographies of important figures of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong); (11) List of Popes (including the Chinese translations of their names); (12) 120 Chinese Martyrs; (13) Web Site Links.
    Note: It might be necessary to manually switch encoding to Big5.
    Resource suggested by Tao Yang, Yale East Asia Library, New Haven, CT, USA.
    Added 23 Jun 2005 (HL)

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  54. Useful
    China Judaic Studies Association
    Language: English.
    Description: The association is a joint initiative of Xu Xin, Professor at the English Dept., Nanjing University (PR China), and Beverly Friend, Oaktown Community College (USA). This site gives information on the associations' activities and ipublications (incl. abstracts and sometimes fulltext versions of articles).
    Added/revised on 13.07.98

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