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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "speech "

     1  speech 'paving
     1  speech a
     1  speech about
     1  speech as
     8  speech at
     1  speech at the 42nd munich conference on security policy
     2  speech by
     1  speech by mr. shaye on the seminar of chinese dream, african
     1  speech by ouyang song, vice minister of the organization dep
     1  speech delivered at the london school of economics and polit
     1  speech dodges
     1  speech finds
     1  speech for
     3  speech in
     4  speech on
     1  speech put
     1  speech restrictions
     1  speech to
     1  speech under
     1  speech yesterday
     1  speech'
     1  speech' at
     1  speech,
     1  speech--
     1  speech1.htm
     1  speech:
     1  speech: what
     3  speeches
     1  speeches of
     1  speeches of zheng bijian, 1997-2005

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
The database behind is Allegro-W3 V2.5.
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