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You searched Index 1: Personal Names for "austen, ian"

     1  austen, ian
     1  austin ramzy
     1  autor cjk
     1  avaexmach
     1  awfan
     1  baark, erik
     1  babson, oliver d.
     1  babylon
     2  bai tiantian
     1  bai, claire
     1  bailey, c. d. alison
     1  bajpaee, chietigj
     1  baker, mark
     1  baker, richard
     1  balasubramanyam, v.n.
     1  baldinger, pamela
     1  ball, desmond
     1  balls, andrew
     1  bambauer, derek
    16  bandurski, david
     3  banister, judith
     1  bao pu
     1  baopu liu
     1  barbalas, michael
     1  barbara jepson
     8  barbara mittler
    50  barboza, david
     1  bardhan, pranab
     1  barker, karlyn
     1  barkin, noah

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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