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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "civil rights - china - hong kong"

     1  civil rights - china - hong kong
     2  civil rights - hong kong china)
     1  civil rights - russia
     1  civil servants
    17  civil society
     1  civil society - asia
    11  civil society - china
    11  civil society - china - hong kong
     1  civil society and reconstruction of national knowledge gover
     2  civil-military
     1  civil-military relations - china
     1  civil-military relations - taiwan
     1  civile.
     1  civilian invested
     1  civilian-invested
     1  civilian-invested museum of cultural revolution opened in sh
     1  civilisations
     1  civilised
     1  civilised china
     1  civilised china orders fewer executions - sources
    25  civilization
     1  civilization - china
     1  civilization to
     1  civilization,
     1  civilization, modern
     1  civilsation
     5  cizhi
     1  cizhi baogao
     1  cizhi gongkai shengming
     1  cj

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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