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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "clark, gregory, 1957-"

     1  clark, gregory, 1957-
     1  clark060131
     1  clarke070108
     1  clarke070622
     1  clarke130304
     1  clarke140714
    14  clash
     1  clash at
     1  clash erupts
     1  clash in
     2  clash of
     1  clash of the titans / brzezinski, zbigniew
     1  clash of the titans / brzezinski, zbigniew; mearsheimer,
     1  clash of the titans / brzezinski, zbigniew; mearsheimer, joh
     3  clash over
     1  clash with
    13  class
     1  class conflict
     2  class gets
     1  class pushes
     1  class structure
     6  class,
     1  class, minus
     1  class008100001
     1  class53
     8  classes
     1  classes are
     2  classes in
     4  classic
     1  classic chinese

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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