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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "democracy - taiwan"

    13  democracy - taiwan
     3  democracy activist
     1  democracy activists challenge old guard
     6  democracy and
     1  democracy and development: the devil in the details
     1  democracy and in)stability in rural china
     1  democracy and its limits in greater china
     1  democracy and religion in taiwan
     1  democracy and the politics of difference
     1  democracy can
     1  democracy can develop under one-party rule
     1  democracy china
     1  democracy china - hong kong
     1  democracy conference
     1  democracy dies
     1  democracy exemplified or abdicated
     1  democracy exist
     1  democracy group
     1  democracy hits
     1  democracy ii)
     7  democracy in
     4  democracy is
     1  democracy is a good thing
     1  democracy is also a development concept
     1  democracy makes
     1  democracy makes a difference
     2  democracy movement
     1  democracy party
     1  democracy programme
     1  democracy programme a success in rural areas

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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