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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "evaluation and research in education"

     1  evaluation and research in education
     1  evaluation of
     1  evaluation report
     1  evan
     1  evan,
     1  evan091026
     1  evangelischen
     1  evangelischen kirche
     2  evangelism,
     1  evangelism, community, and struggle for survival
     4  evanosnos
     1  evans020110
     1  evans070608
     2  evasion
     7  eve
     3  eve of
    15  even
     1  even knowing
     1  even richer
     1  even the
     1  even the document's line count was an issue at the 6-way tal
     1  even though twitter is banned on the mainland, users are cre
     1  even with
     1  even with protests averted, china turns to intimidation of f
     1  even xi
     4  event
     1  event.jsp@eid=13110576.htm
     9  events
     2  events in
     1  events in chronological order) relating to prohibiting the o

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
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