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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "german literature"

     1  german literature
     1  german president
     1  german president slams communism in provocative speech to sh
     1  german writer blasts decision to award this year's nobel pri
   121  germany
     1  germany - economic conditions
    10  germany - foreign economic relations - china
     6  germany - foreign relations - china
     2  germany - foreign relations - japan
     1  germany - history - 1945-1990
     1  germany - history - 1990
     1  germany - international economic relations
     1  germany seizes
     1  germany seizes on big business in china
     2  germany's
     1  germany's merkel
     1  germany's muted critique of china
     2  germany)
     2  gern
     1  gern getan
     1  gershman051122.htm
     1  gertz030131.htm
     1  gertz050610.htm
     1  gertz050630
     1  gertz051108.txt
     1  gertz060220
     1  gertz060411.htm

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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