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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "intellectual freedom - china"

     1  intellectual freedom - china
     1  intellectual in
     1  intellectual lin
    15  intellectual property
     7  intellectual property - china
     2  intellectual property - china - cases
     2  intellectual property - china - trial practice
     1  intellectual property - management
     2  intellectual property protection in china
     2  intellectual property protection in china [june 1994]
     1  intellectual renaissance
     1  intellectual void
   246  intellectuals
   145  intellectuals - china
     3  intellectuals - china - attitudes
     5  intellectuals - china - interviews
    48  intellectuals - china - political activity
     1  intellectuals - japan
     6  intellectuals - political activity - china - history - 2
     1  intellectuals as
     1  intellectuals as citizens in the post-mao era
     4  intellectuals in
     1  intellectuals program,
     1  intellectuals punished
     1  intellectuals,
     1  intellectuals, and
     1  intelleczual
     3  intellektuellen
    40  intelligence
     1  intelligence brief: sudan

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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