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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "justice and politics"

     3  justice and politics
    21  justice and politics - china
     1  justice and politics - china - tibet
     1  justice at
     1  justice at the click of a mouse in china
     1  justice buckles
     1  justice buckles under weight of soaring workload
     1  justice chief's
     1  justice chief's promise on sedition law
     1  justice crucial
     1  justice for
     1  justice in
     1  justice ministry's
     1  justice ministry's legal-sector reforms deemed too little, t
     1  justice served
     1  justice system
     1  justice'
     1  justice' system
    14  justice,
     7  justice, administration of
     4  justice, administration of - china
     1  justice, dodging
     1  justice, in
     2  justified
     1  justify
     1  justify weekly's
     4  justin
     1  justin bieber
     1  justin bieber, 1994-
     1  justin trudeau

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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