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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "legitimacy of governments - china"

     3  legitimacy of governments - china
    24  legitimacy of governments - china - hong kong
     1  legitimate und lawful.indian
     1  legitimate und lawful.indian side
     1  legitimation
     1  legitimation in
     1  legitmacy
     1  legitmacy of governments - china - hong kong
     1  legs
     1  legs to
     1  legt
     2  leguan
     1  lehmann020826.txt
     1  lehmann040525.txt
     1  lehmann050404.htm
     1  lehnen
     1  lehnen sich
     1  lehnt
     1  lehrer
     1  lehrstuhl
     1  lehrt
    26  lei
     1  lei cheng-fu
     1  lei chi
     2  lei chieh mu
     1  lei chien tan
     1  lei chin hsing
     1  lei fen hsi
     8  lei feng
     1  lei feng chi-nien-kuan

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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