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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "old age assistance - china"

     1  old age assistance - china
     1  old age care in china
     1  old age pensions - china
     1  old age tsunami
     1  old before
     1  old comedy
     1  old comedy stirs up new laughs
     1  old dogma's
     1  old dogma's new twist
     1  old enemy
     1  old fashioned
     1  old fears
     1  old folk
     1  old friend
     1  old guard
     1  old man
     1  old notions
     1  old repression
     1  old system,
     1  old system, new realities
     1  old the
     2  old time
     1  old wounds
     1  old wounds still fester
     1  old,
     1  old, in
     1  old-aged
     1  old-aged pension policy and its trade-off effects
     1  old-fashioned
     2  old-time

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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