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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "politics and government - 21st century - china"

     8  politics and government - 21st century - china
     1  politics and government - 21st entury
     8  politics and government - terminology
     1  politics and the chinese language
     1  politics and the cnooc-unocal debacle : assigning blame
     1  politics are
     1  politics are still trump in chinese global strategy
     1  politics fill
     1  politics first,
     1  politics first, the economy second
     1  politics hinder
     6  politics in
     7  politics of
     1  politics of fiscal illusion
     3  politics of sms in urban china
     1  politics of sports
     1  politics of the stock market
     1  politics or
     1  politics practical
   103  politics)
   432  politics,
     1  politics, and
     1  politics, economics
     1  politics, pracitical
   288  politics, practical
     2  politics, practical - china
     2  politics, pratical
     1  politics-
     1  politics- china
     1  politics-and-chinese-language.htm

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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