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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "ukraine - foreign relations -1991-"

    10  ukraine - foreign relations -1991-
     4  ukraine - history - 1991-
     3  ukraine - politics and government - 1991-
     1  ukraine - politics and government - 21st century
     3  ukraine - politics and government -1991-
     2  ukraine and
     1  ukraine at
     1  ukraine at risk of being west's pawn
     1  ukraine chaos
     1  ukraine chaos stems from political immaturity
     3  ukraine crisis
     1  ukraine hypocritical
     1  ukraine's
     1  ukraine's revolution
     1  ukraine's revolution leaves nation at risk
     1  ukraine_at_risk_of_being_west%e2%80%99s_pawn.htm
     1  ul
     1  ulbricht
     1  ulbricht,
     1  ulbricht, walter, 1893-1973
     1  ulrike
     1  ulterior
     3  ultimate
     1  ultimate punishment
     1  ultimately
     1  ultimatum
     1  ultimatum over
     1  ultra leftist
     1  ultra-communist
     1  ultra-communist chinese - prc

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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