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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "united nations. security council"

     1  united nations. security council
    47  united nations. security council - membership
     1  united on
    50  united states
     2  united states - commerce - china
     1  united states - congress - resolutions
     1  united states - department of defense
     1  united states - economic conditions
     1  united states - economic conditions - 21st century
     4  united states - economic policy
     1  united states - foreign economic relations
     1  united states - foreign economic relations - burma
    21  united states - foreign economic relations - china
     1  united states - foreign economic relations - korea north
     1  united states - foreign economic relations - russia
     1  united states - foreign economic relations - taiwan
     3  united states - foreign policy
     6  united states - foreign public opinion, chinese
     5  united states - foreign relations
     2  united states - foreign relations - africa
     5  united states - foreign relations - asia
     1  united states - foreign relations - asia, central
   141  united states - foreign relations - china
     2  united states - foreign relations - east asia
     1  united states - foreign relations - europe
     1  united states - foreign relations - georgia
     1  united states - foreign relations - india
     1  united states - foreign relations - iran
     9  united states - foreign relations - japan
    14  united states - foreign relations - korea north)

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
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