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You searched Index 2: Corporate Bodies for "yaoyong dance "

     2  yaoyong dance
     8  yiminit nippon symphony orchestra
     2  yue ch'uean
     4  yuen-nan sheng li-chiang na-hsi-tsu tzu-chih-hsien jen-min c
     2    c 
     2  H֥Xs賡
     2  H
     2  W^
     2  WX
     2  WMu~
     2  W֥X
     2  W־ǰ|
     8  _q [t]
     4  bg []
     2  j~ɶ@
     4  klnuֶ
     4  pl []
     2  p^Ч
     2  sfٺqrΥֶ []
     4  t_ [@]
     4  wx۹ [t]
     5  w־ǰ|֤p []
     4  wƤud [^ @]
     2  wqvֹκީֶ []; q~
     3  wq@|ީֶ [t]
     3  wֹ [t]
     3  ~ [t]
     8  hsqx֦~sx۹ [t]
     3  hsqxsֹΦx۶ [t]

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
The database behind is Allegro-W3 V2.5.
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