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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "[song with piano accompaniment] "

     4  [song with piano accompaniment] 1:24)
     4  [st.
     2  [state
     2  [state of wrong love]
     2  [strings
     2  [strings und piano]
     4  [strings]
     4  [take
     4  [take me away]
     2  [teenrage
     2  [teenrage saviour]
     2  [the
     2  [the anti u.s. storm cantata]
     6  [third
     6  [third movement]
     2  [tieh
     4  [tseng
     4  [tseng yeh fa
     4  [tseng yeh-fa tso-p'in chi]
    40  [tso-ch'ue]
     4  [tso-tz'u,
    44  [tso-tz'u]
     2  [tso-tzu]
     4  [tsuo-ch'ue]
     4  [tsuo-tz'u
     4  [tsuo-tz'u];
     4  [tz
     2  [tz'u-ch'ue
    42  [tz'u-ch'ue]
     4  [tzo-tz'u]

© 1998-2009 Institute of Chinese Studies,
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
The database behind is Allegro-W3 V2.5.
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