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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "2000 pu-i-ting "

     4  2000 pu-i-ting
     2  2000 years of acoustical experimentation, ca. 1400 b.c.-a.d.
     2  2000 years of cross-cultural influences in the music of chin
     4  2000 不一定
    20  2000-
    36  2001
     4  2001 2003 mix) / pien-ch'ue: kung-fu, yue-san
     4  2001 2003 mix) / 編曲: 功夫, 羽傘
    30  2001-
    12  2001-2010
   112  2002
     4  2002 midi
     4  2002 midi hsien-tai yin-yueeh-chieh
     4  2002 midi xiandai yinyue jie
    24  2002-
     4  2002-6-21
     4  2002-6-21 live in lyon = fa-kuo
     4  2002迷笛現代音樂節
   100  2003
     8  2003 tsui hsin chuan-chi
     8  2003 最 新 彩輯
    20  2003-
     8  2003最新專輯
    24  2004
     4  2004 shanghai
     8  2005
     2  2005 ch'ao chi
     2  2005 ch'ao-chi nue-sheng
     2  2005-05-03-music-piracy-china_x.htm
     2  2005超級女聲

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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