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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "c ta-tiao kang-ch'in san-ch'ung-tsou (hsuean-tuan) = piano trio in c "

    20  c
     4  c ta-tiao kang-ch'in san-ch'ung-tsou hsuean-tuan) = piano tr
     4  c 大調 鋼琴 川重奏 選段) / 曲: 刃善德
     8  c 怨 開篇 一) / 朱慧珍 唱 ; 蔣月泉, 張鑑國, 妳雲瑞 伴奏
     8  c 怨 開篇 土) / 朱慧珍 唱 ; 蔣月泉, 張鑑國, 妳雲瑞 伴奏
     4  c'ang
     4  c'hien
     8  c)
    19  c.
    18  c.c.
    14  c.c. liu
     2  c.c. liu collection - modern technique and chinese music
     4  c.c. liu collection of modern chinese music
     2  c.c. liu on new music in china
     6  c.c.薩哈洛夫
     4  c.y.
     7  c.義拉古屐
     2  c.義拉古屐 [作曲]
     4  ca
     2  ca.
     4  cab
     2  cabbage
     2  cabinet
     2  cabinet of dr. caligari
     2  cable
     6  cadres
     4  caffe-in
     8  cage
     4  caged
    12  cai

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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