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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "disco shih-tai "

     4  disco shih-tai / nao-cho ; tz'u-ch'ue: nao-cho
     4  disco 時叩 / 腦瘺 ; 詞曲: 腦瘺
     2  discography
     2  discord
    82  discs
     2  discuss
     2  discuss democracy
     2  discussion
     2  discussion for music with fu cong
     4  disguise
     4  disklavier
     2  dissent
    28  distance
     4  distance = chue-li / ho-sheng: kao ch'i ; chu-yin chi-t'
     4  distance = chue-li / ho-sheng: kao ch'i ; chu-yin chi-t'a: h
    19  distant
     3  distant-bound,
    12  ditty
     4  ditty of southern jiangsu
     2  ditu
     4  dituobang
     4  diverse
     4  diverse pieces
     4  diverse pieces by chinese composers
     8  divertimento
     4  divine,
     3  division
    12  divorce
     2  diwu
    24  dixia

© 1998-2009 Institute of Chinese Studies,
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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