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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "haruka naru yume ni = far away "

     4  haruka naru yume ni = far away / sakushi: mori hiromi ;
     4  haruka naru yume ni = far away / sakushi: mori hiromi ; sakk
    95  harvest
    14  harvesting
    57  has
     2  has its
     4  hassan
    10  hat
     2  hat uns
     8  hata
    14  hate
    29  hatred
     2  hauling
     3  haun
     4  haunted
     4  haunted by dreams = meng chiang-jao te shih-hou / ho-she
     4  haunted by dreams = meng chiang-jao te shih-hou / ho-sheng:
     2  hausarbeit
     2  hausarbeit zur erlangung des magistergrades der philosophisc
   142  have
     4  have no
     6  hawana
     4  hayakawa,
     4  hayakawa, lin
     4  hayman
     4  hayshi,
     4  haze
   200  he
     2  he fang
     5  he lueding shengyue zuopin xuan er)

© 1998-2009 Institute of Chinese Studies,
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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