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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "hyangak: "

     4  hyangak: hyokchong glorious marshalling excerpt) from th
     4  hyangak: hyokchong glorious marshalling excerpt) from the sa
     2  hybridity
     2  hymn
     2  hymn for
     2  hymn for the socialist, dedicated to china
     6  hymn;
     4  hymne
     4  hyokchong
     8  hyonblud
     8  hypocrisy
     4  hypocrisy / xiao nan
     8  hyponic
     4  hyun-kyung
     2  hz
     4  i ai tai-t'i / ch'ue: gessle, tz'u: hsieh ming-hsuen, pi
     4  i ai tai-t'i / ch'ue: gessle, tz'u: hsieh ming-hsuen, pien-c
     4  i am ... for soprano, flute and percussions 1985)
     4  i am sorry = pieh wu-hui / tz'u-ch'ue, pien-ch'ue: ling-
     4  i am sorry = pieh wu-hui / tz'u-ch'ue, pien-ch'ue: ling-tien
     4  i am sorry = §o »~·| / µü¦±, ½s¦±: ¹sÂi¼Ö¶¤; ¦x­µ: ªÝÓa«
     4  i am sorry = §o »~·| / µü¦±, ½s¦±: ¹sÂi¼Ö¶¤; ¦x­µ: ªÝÓa«½«½¦
     4  i am) lazy und wasting
     4  i and
     4  i can't live without cigarettes
    12  i ch'ang
     4  i ch'ang ko-ming
     4  i ch'eng wei
    17  i ch'i
     8  i ch'ieh

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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