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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "laying ambushes in all directions "

     4  laying ambushes in all directions
     8  lazy
     4  lazy / ch'ue: san-shao ; tz'u: ch'ing-erh, san-shao ; pi
     4  lazy / ch'ue: san-shao ; tz'u: ch'ing-erh, san-shao ; pien-c
     4  lazy / ¦±: ¤t¤Ö ; µü: «c¨à, ¤t¤Ö ; ½s¦±: ªü¼y
    10  lbtj
     6  lc
     2  ldy
     6  le ch'ien
     6  le ch'ue
     2  le chinois par la video
     4  le fleuve jaune
     6  le hua
     7  le k'u
     5  le ko
     7  le mao
     7  le mei ko
     4  le ni
     2  le pouvoir
     2  le pouvoir en chantant
     3  le prince
     4  le souvenir
    16  le ta tu-ho
     4  le tui
     4  le wo
     4  le wu
     8  le ying hsiung
     4  le yu nu
     4  le yue
     4  le yue nu

© 1998-2009 Institute of Chinese Studies,
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
The database behind is Allegro-W3 V2.5.
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