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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "lei te hsiao-yue "

     4  lei te hsiao-yue
    16  lei,
     6  lei-ch'ih
     6  lei-ch'ih = pool of thunder / tz'u-ch'ue: cheng chuen
    10  lei-feng
     2  lei-feng huo tsai wo hsin chung
     3  lei-hen
     8  lei-hua
     4  lei-hua-li
     4  lei-hua-li fei-ch'u huan-lo te ko kuan kui-min yen-ch'ang)
     4  lei-lin
     4  lei-lo
     2  lei-pieh,
     2  lei-pieh, tso-che, ch'ue-p'ai-ming, shou-chue, pan-pieh, pan
    10  lei-shen
     2  lei-shen tung = the lei-shen cave
     4  lei-ssu-mao
     4  lei-tien
     2  leifeng
     2  leifeng huo zai wo xin zhong
     8  leisure
     2  lemon
     2  lemon tree
    18  leng
     4  leng hsuee
     6  leng hsueeh
     4  leng nuan tzu chih = you know what / tz'u-ch'ue: chang c
     4  leng nuan tzu chih = you know what / tz'u-ch'ue: chang ch'u
     4  leng shui chiao t'ou / hang t'ien
     4  leng yue yeh

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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