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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "li-chia tai-piao shang pei-ching = the li people's deputy is going to peking "

     3  li-chia tai-piao shang pei-ching = the li people's deputy is
     2  li-chia tai-piao shang pei-ching tu-tsou) = the li peopl
     2  li-chia tai-piao shang pei-ching tu-tsou) = the li people's
    16  li-chiang
     4  li-chiang hung
     4  li-chiang min-ko
     4  li-chiang yao
     4  li-chiang yin-hua
     7  li-chieh
     2  li-chih
     2  li-chue
     2  li-chuean
     4  li-chuean,
    41  li-chuen
     2  li-chuen,
    20  li-chung
     8  li-fa
     5  li-fa-shih
     8  li-fang
     2  li-hai
    49  li-hsiang
     8  li-hsiang chih ko
     8  li-hsiang chih ko erh) / pei-ching ta-hsueeh chung-wen-h
     8  li-hsiang chih ko erh) / pei-ching ta-hsueeh chung-wen-hsi c
     8  li-hsiang chih ko i) / pei-ching ta-hsueeh chung-wen-hsi
     8  li-hsiang chih ko i) / pei-ching ta-hsueeh chung-wen-hsi ch'
     4  li-hsiang yue ho-p'ing / h'ung-se yao-kun
    43  li-hsien
    13  li-hsien,
     3  li-hsing

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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