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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "liu: cheng-ch'ueeh ch'u-li jen-min nei-pu mao-tun "

     4  liu: cheng-ch'ueeh ch'u-li jen-min nei-pu mao-tun
     2  liuban
     8  liuchin
     2  liuhua:
     5  liulangche
     2  liulifeng050618.swf
    16  liupai
     8  liupan
     8  liushi
     5  liushu
     6  liushui
     2  liuxiaobo
    21  liuxing
    12  liuxing yaogun : wang xiaojing zhizuo gequ jingxuan '90-'97
     2  liuxing yinyue de bei yu huan
    34  liuyang
     4  liuyang he : hunan minge wu shou
     4  liuyang river : five folk songs of hunan
     4  liuyang river chorus)
    16  liuyun
   124  live
     4  live a
    18  live in
     8  live in celebration of the 20th anniversary of beyond
     2  live performances
     4  live with
    20  live)
     2  lives
    12  living
     4  living in the dark / fan-ying tui [perf.]

© 1998-2009 Institute of Chinese Studies,
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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