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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "lovely south of the changjiang river "

     4  lovely south of the changjiang river
    24  lover
    10  lovers
     4  lovers violin
     2  lovers)
     8  loves
     4  lovesong
     4  lovespy)
     8  loving
     4  loving you / she te-wei
     4  loving you / ªÀ¼w°¶
    10  low
     7  lower-middle
    13  loyal
     3  loyal,
     4  loyalty
     4  lready
   626  lu
     4  lu / ting wu [tsuo-tz'u]; lao wu [tsuo-ch'ue] = pathway
     4  lu / ting wu [tsuo-tz'u]; lao wu [tsuo-ch'ue] = pathway / ti
     2  lu ch'a ch'ue
     4  lu ch'iao
     4  lu ch'iao = roads and bridges / tz'u-ch'ue, pien-ch'ue:
     4  lu ch'iao = roads and bridges / tz'u-ch'ue, pien-ch'ue: t'an
     4  lu ch'un-ling ti-tzu tu-tsou
    23  lu hsien
     2  lu hsuen academy of arts
     2  lu hsuen i-shu hsueeh-yuean yuean-ko / sha ssu-ta tz'u ;
     2  lu hsuen i-shu hsueeh-yuean yuean-ko / sha ssu-ta tz'u ; ho-
     4  lu hua po

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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