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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "ni shang ch'ue "

     4  ni shang ch'ue / yin tzu-chung, lue wen-ch'eng, li chia,
     4  ni shang ch'ue / yin tzu-chung, lue wen-ch'eng, li chia, ho
     6  ni shang qu
     4  ni shen
     2  ni shih huo-shan, a-erh-chi-li-ya nan-chung-yin tu-ch'ang) =
     4  ni shih shen-me
     4  ni t'ai ch'eng-shih / shen bai-se [comp.] ; hsue shih-ch
     4  ni t'ai ch'eng-shih / shen bai-se [comp.] ; hsue shih-chen [
     4  ni t'ing te tao / tseng yue-t'ing [tso-tz'u] ; chou chie
     4  ni t'ing te tao / tseng yue-t'ing [tso-tz'u] ; chou chieh-lu
     4  ni tai t'ung-chih ch'in ju i chia / pei-ching ching-chue
     4  ni tai t'ung-chih ch'in ju i chia / pei-ching ching-chue-t'u
     4  ni te
     6  ni te ai kei le shei
     4  ni te chuen-chuang
     4  ni te hsin-yang = your belief
     4  ni te huan-ching
     4  ni te huan-ching = your vision / tz'u-ch'ue, pien-ch'ue:
     4  ni te huan-ching = your vision / tz'u-ch'ue, pien-ch'ue: t'a
     4  ni te jou-ch'ing wo yung-yuean pu tung / ch'en lin ; tz'
     4  ni te jou-ch'ing wo yung-yuean pu tung / ch'en lin ; tz'u: l
     4  ni te jou-ch'ing wo yung-yuean pu tung / tz'u-ch'ue: tin
     4  ni te jou-ch'ing wo yung-yuean pu tung / tz'u-ch'ue: ting yu
     4  ni te jou-ch'ing wo yung-yuean pu tung / tz'u: lo pin, ting
     4  ni te jou-ch'ing wo yung-yuean pu tung ko-ch'ue) / tz'u:
     4  ni te jou-ch'ing wo yung-yuean pu tung ko-ch'ue) / tz'u: lo
     4  ni te mu-kuang wen-nuan le wo / tz'u-ch'ue: yang hai-ch'
     4  ni te mu-kuang wen-nuan le wo / tz'u-ch'ue: yang hai-ch'ao
     4  ni te sheng-huo = your life
     4  ni te sheng-yin wan shih liu-ch'uan = your voice will re

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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