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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "ou-jen pao-huo-ai (wei chi-nien t'a shih-shih erh-shih-wu chou-nien erh tso) "

     8  ou-jen
     4  ou-jen pao-huo-ai wei chi-nien t'a shih-shih erh-shih-wu
     4  ou-jen pao-huo-ai wei chi-nien t'a shih-shih erh-shih-wu cho
     2  ou-jen.
     2  ou-lu-wang-chi
     2  ou-lu-wang-chi chue tzu-yuean t'ang ch'in-p'u = heron's
     2  ou-lu-wang-chi chue tzu-yuean t'ang ch'in-p'u = heron's unaw
     4  ou-ma-ya
     4  ou-ni-chin)
     3  ou-ni-hsi-mu.
     4  ou-t'u
    19  ou-yang
     4  ou-yang)
     2  ou-ynag
     8  ou-yuean
     4  ou-yuean wang chi = innocent seagulls
     4  ou-yuean wang-chi = innocent seagulls
   262  our
     3  our company is fine
     4  our great leader mao tse-tung : songs
     3  our great motherland is abloom with flowers : vocal recital
     3  our motherland shines in dazzling colors : solos and duets
     4  our song orchestra)
     3  our wonderful commune : selected songs from the national min
     8  ours
    91  out
     8  out of control
     4  out!
     2  outline
     3  output

© 1998-2009 Institute of Chinese Studies,
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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