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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "p'ang-huan "

     4  p'ang-huan
     4  p'ang-huang
     4  p'ang-huang i-hsiang jen
     4  p'ang-pien
     3  p'ang-shu-p'u
     4  p'ang-tzu
     4  p'ang-tzu te fan-nao = fat man's annoyance / mu-chi-che
     4  p'ang-tzu te fan-nao = fat man's annoyance / mu-chi-che yuee
     2  p'ansori
     2  p'ansori - history and criticism
    40  p'ao
     4  p'ao hsiang ho-fang = run to where
     8  p'ao hui
     8  p'ao ma
     4  p'ao pu
     8  p'ao-ch'i
    13  p'ao-ma
     5  p'ao-ma liu-liu te shan-shang k'ang-ting ch'ing-ko) = lo
     5  p'ao-ma liu-liu te shan-shang k'ang-ting ch'ing-ko) = love s
     8  p'ao-p'ao
     4  p'ao-tan
    66  p'ei
     3  p'ei ch'a-hu / ts'ang-chou ti-ch'ue hai-ho hsuean-ch'uan
     3  p'ei ch'a-hu / ts'ang-chou ti-ch'ue hai-ho hsuean-ch'uan-tui
     4  p'ei hsuen
     2  p'ei lan chue ch'un-ts'ao t'ang ch'in-p'u = admiration f
     2  p'ei lan chue ch'un-ts'ao t'ang ch'in-p'u = admiration for t
     4  p'ei ni tao t'ien-ya / tz'u: ch'en le-jung, ch'ue: huang
     4  p'ei ni tao t'ien-ya / tz'u: ch'en le-jung, ch'ue: huang an,
     2  p'ei sung yueeh

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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zum Seitenanfang