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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "p'in-nung sung nue shang ta-hsueeh = a poor peasant sends his daughter off to college "

     3  p'in-nung sung nue shang ta-hsueeh = a poor peasant sends hi
     4  p'in-p'an
     8  p'in-t'an
     3  p'in-tai-hui
     3  p'in-tai-hui shang hua chin-hsi = a poor peasant's narra
     3  p'in-tai-hui shang hua chin-hsi = a poor peasant's narration
     8  p'in-tao
     8  p'in-tz'u-tao
     8  p'in-tz'u-tao ho-ch'ang)
   147  p'ing
     2  p'ing chan shih
     2  p'ing chuan
    18  p'ing chue
     2  p'ing hsia
     4  p'ing hsien
     4  p'ing hsing
     4  p'ing hu = the calm lake
     2  p'ing hu ch'iu yueeh = autumn moon on a placid lake / lu
     2  p'ing hu ch'iu yueeh = autumn moon on a placid lake / lue we
     4  p'ing lun
     4  p'ing p'ang
     2  p'ing sha
     2  p'ing sha luo yen ku-ch'in tu-tsou)
     8  p'ing shu)
    11  p'ing,
     3  p'ing-chia
     4  p'ing-ching
     2  p'ing-chuan
    41  p'ing-chue
     3  p'ing-chue ch'ang-tuan

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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