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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "pa: kan-pu wen-t'i "

     4  pa-yueeh shih-wu yueeh-erh ming 1965 nien lu-yin) / tz'u-ch'
     4  packer
    10  paean
     2  paean to the red flag : orchestra
     4  pagan
     4  page
     6  pages
     4  pagoda
   336  pai
     2  pai ch'ang
     4  pai ch'iu
     2  pai ch'iu en
     4  pai ch'iu ssu chiao-hsiang-shih
     8  pai chi
     2  pai chin
     2  pai chou
     2  pai fan
     6  pai hu
     9  pai hu-t'uan
    11  pai hua
     4  pai hua ko
     8  pai hua sheng-k'ai ch'un man yuean / ma yuen-ch'iao, kuo
     8  pai hua sheng-k'ai ch'un man yuean / ma yuen-ch'iao, kuo p'i
     4  pai hung
     4  pai ling
     8  pai ling-niao
    50  pai mao
     4  pai mao nue
     4  pai mao nue tu-wu = the white-haired girl solo
     4  pai nia ch'ao feng = birds adoring the phoenix so-na) : min-

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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