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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "pan-ch'e = the wheelbarrow "

     4  pan-ch'e = the wheelbarrow / ch'ue: ch'en ming-chih
     2  pan-ch'i
     7  pan-chang
     4  pan-chiu-t'iao
     4  pan-chu
     4  pan-fa
     8  pan-h'u
    60  pan-hu
     4  pan-hu : solo: the great prelude segment)
    10  pan-hu)
     3  pan-hu,
     3  pan-hu, chung-hu tu-tsou
    16  pan-ko
     8  pan-ko yueeh-liang p'a shang lai ; a-la-mu-han
     4  pan-ko yueeh-liang p'a-shang lai
     4  pan-ko yueeh-liang p'a-shang-lai
     5  pan-kung
     4  pan-pen)
     2  pan-pieh,
     4  pan-pu
     4  pan-sheng
     4  pan-shih,
     2  pan-shu,
     4  pan-t'ang-chu-i
     4  pan-t'ang-chu-i / u. robbinn [comp.] ; hsue shih-chen [l
     4  pan-t'ang-chu-i / u. robbinn [comp.] ; hsue shih-chen [lyr.]
     3  pan-t'i
     4  pan-teng,
     3  pan-tosu
  2111  pan-tsou

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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