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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "pen-ch'i tsai kung-she te ta-lu shang = racing along the path of the people's commune "

     3  pen-ch'i tsai kung-she te ta-lu shang = racing along the pat
    21  pen-ch'ih
     4  pen-ch'ih tsai ch'ien-li ts'ao-yuean erh-hu chi-tsou) =
     4  pen-ch'ih tsai ch'ien-li ts'ao-yuean erh-hu chi-tsou) = gall
     8  pen-ch'ih tsai ch'ien-li ts'ao-yuean erh-hu tu-tsou) / w
     8  pen-ch'ih tsai ch'ien-li ts'ao-yuean erh-hu tu-tsou) / wang
     3  pen-ch'ih tsai ch'ien-li ts'ao-yuean erh-hu tu-tsou) = g
     3  pen-ch'ih tsai ch'ien-li ts'ao-yuean erh-hu tu-tsou) = gallo
     4  pen-hsi
     2  pen-hsi = the assault team on a forced march
     2  pen-hsi = to the attack
     7  pen-hsiang
     8  pen-hsing
     2  pen-hui
     5  pen-le
     3  pen-liu
    12  pen-neng
     4  pen-neng = go wake, wake up
     6  pen-se
     4  pen-se sheng-huo = whatever i am
    12  pen-shih
     4  pen-shih 1920)
     4  pen-tan
     3  pen-yao
    28  peng
     4  peng ko
     4  peng yueeh tui
     4  peng yueeh-tui
     4  peng-k'ui
     4  peng-k'ui = breakdown / chih-hsi [yen-tsou] = suffocated

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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