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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "rose park "

     2  rose park / supermarket
     6  rose-parade
     3  roseate
    16  roses
     2  ross,
     2  rostrum
     2  roten
     2  roten garden
     6  rothbart
     8  rotten
     6  rou
     2  rou shu
    12  rou)
     2  round
     2  round)
     3  rounds
     4  rouqing
     4  roushu
     4  route
     4  routing
     3  roving
     4  rowboat
     4  rows
     4  roy
     8  royal
    10  rtsp@
    20  ru
     4  ru meng ts'ao-yuean / a-ku-la t'ai [tso-tz'u] ; chu chih
     4  ru meng ts'ao-yuean / a-ku-la t'ai [tso-tz'u] ; chu chih-chu
     6  ruan

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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