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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "sen-lin chih ko "

     4  sen-lin chih ko
     4  sen-lin te li-ming : hsuean-tzu chin-hu ta-ho-ch'ang = daybr
    14  sen-min
     6  send
     3  send me a rose : dance music
    11  sending
     7  sends
     4  senecio;
    12  seng
     3  sengchitema
     6  sensation
     4  sensation = kan-chueeh / ho-sheng: kao ch'i, li yen-lian
     4  sensation = kan-chueeh / ho-sheng: kao ch'i, li yen-liang, y
    10  sense
     4  sensuality
     5  sent
     4  sentiments
     3  sentinel
     2  sentries
     4  sentry
     6  seoeleoelele
     2  seoul,
     2  seoul, august
    16  september
     4  sequal
     4  sequal to descending to the dragon / hou deqian
     2  sequence,
     4  seraph
     6  seren
     6  seren;

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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