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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "shi-liu tzu ling san shou "

     5  shi-liu tzu ling san shou / liu ping-i yen-ch'ang
     4  shi-sheng
     8  shi-tzu
     4  shi-wu
     4  shi-yen
     4  shi-yin-pan
     6  shiah
     4  shian
     4  shiao
     4  shiba
     4  shicheng
    20  shici
     4  shida
    19  shidai
     3  shidiao
     8  shier
     2  shier yin yinyue zai shanghai de dansheng : shang
     2  shier yin yinyue zai shanghai de dansheng : xia
     2  shifan
     4  shift
     2  shigang
     2  shigao
     3  shigatse
     8  shige
     8  shige kankan zan qinren yuhong jie
     8  shiguang
     8  shiguang manbu
  2100  shih
     4  shih ai ma / tso-tz'u: wu t'ung ; tso-ch'ue: li ch'iang
     4  shih ch'eng

© 1998-2009 Institute of Chinese Studies,
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
The database behind is Allegro-W3 V2.5.
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