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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "sui-hsien (hu-pei sheng, china) - antiquities "

     2  sui-hsien
     2  sui-hsien tseng hou-i mu chung ch'ing ming tz'u yen-chiu
     4  sui-hsin
     4  sui-hsin so yue / lo ch'i
     4  sui-i
     4  sui-i / tz'u-ch'ue: k'ung hung-wei
     4  sui-mo
    12  sui-p'ien
     8  sui-pien
     4  sui-shi
     4  sui-shi ch'ue huan-le pa = just pleassure - portrait of
     4  sui-shi ch'ue huan-le pa = just pleassure - portrait of the
     8  sui-tao
    54  sui-yueeh
     8  sui-yueeh liu sheng t'ai-wan min-yao ching-hsuean ji
    16  sui-yueeh liu-yuen
     4  sui-yueeh wu-sheng / ch'ue: huang chia-chue ; tz'u: liu
     4  sui-yueeh wu-sheng / ch'ue: huang chia-chue ; tz'u: liu cho-
     4  sui-yueeh wu-sheng yuee-yue pan) / ch'ue: huang chia-chu
     4  sui-yueeh wu-sheng yuee-yue pan) / ch'ue: huang chia-chue ;
     4  sui-yueeh yu-yu
     4  sui-yueeh yu-yu = how days drag by / ch'ue: chiang ting-
     4  sui-yueeh yu-yu = how days drag by / ch'ue: chiang ting-hsie
     4  suibian
    12  suicide
     4  suien
     4  suien for
     4  suien for piano
     4  suipian
    51  suite

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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