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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "symphony no. 2 "

     2  symphony no. 2 - in one movement
     4  symphony no. 2 ching ming
     4  symphony no. 2 for 2 pipas, percussion und orchestra
     2  symphony no. 2 in d major op. 73
     2  symphony no. 2 in one movement
     4  symphony no. 3 for double orchestra
     4  symphony no. 4 ; symphony no. 8
     4  symphony no. 4 te deum
     4  symphony poem
     4  synthisizer
     4  syonee
     4  syonee / salman ahmad [comp.]
     4  sze-wang
    20  szechuan
     4  szenery
     4  sm-i
     6  s
     4  s o p / lp t ; s ⭷^
     2  s o p / lp t ; s ⭷^
   164  t'a
     4  t'a = him / tz'u-ch'ue: tou wei ; pien-ch'ue: tou wei
     4  t'a chen te tsai k'u-ch'i = he is crying
     8  t'a chi-chue ts'ai-hua ho chuan-yeh yin-yueeh su-yang te yue
     4  t'a chi-k'o
     4  t'a chien-tao ko chin wa-wa = she caught the katy
     4  t'a chiu
     4  t'a chiu shih wo
     4  t'a i-ting hen ai ni
     4  t'a lang / ch'en yen
     4  t'a nung shih le hsin-yang

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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