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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "t'iao = jump "

     4  t'iao = jump / tz'u-ch'ue: p'eng chuen ; pien-chue: ch'i
     4  t'iao = jump / tz'u-ch'ue: p'eng chuen ; pien-chue: ch'ing-w
     3  t'iao ch'i pien-tan ch'ang shan-ko = i shoulder my carry
     3  t'iao ch'i pien-tan ch'ang shan-ko = i shoulder my carrying
     4  t'iao han tzu
     4  t'iao hsi
     4  t'iao hsia ch'ue / tz'u-ch'ue: hsiao-ho
     8  t'iao mao chin
     2  t'iao tan ch'a-yeh shang pei-ching / ch'un lei [perf.]
     2  t'iao tan-ko = pole carrying song
     8  t'iao tsou
     2  t'iao wu
     7  t'iao yueeh
     4  t'iao);
     4  t'iao,
     3  t'iao-ch'i
     3  t'iao-ch'i tan-tzu kan te hao = up with the load and off
     3  t'iao-ch'i tan-tzu kan te hao = up with the load and off we
     4  t'iao-chan
     4  t'iao-chan hei-an
     4  t'iao-fu
     4  t'iao-fu chih ko : hsuean-tzu sheng-yueeh t'ao-ch'ue fu-chun
     4  t'iao-sheng,
     4  t'iao-t'iao
     4  t'iao-t'iao yin-hsien lien pei-ching = the radio-waves l
     4  t'iao-t'iao yin-hsien lien pei-ching = the radio-waves link
     9  t'iao-tan
     5  t'iao-tan ch'a-yeh shang pei-ching / yeh -lin tso-tz'u ;
     5  t'iao-tan ch'a-yeh shang pei-ching / yeh -lin tso-tz'u ; fan
     4  t'iao-tan ch'a-yeh shang pei-ching nan-sheng tu-ch'ang)

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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