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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "t'ien-shang t'ai-yang hung-t'ung-t'ung (ho-ch'ang) = the sun shines bright in the sky (chorus) "

     4  t'ien-shang jen-chien
     4  t'ien-shang t'ai-yang hung-t'ung-t'ung ho-ch'ang) = the
     4  t'ien-shang t'ai-yang hung-t'ung-t'ung ho-ch'ang) = the sun
     2  t'ien-shen
     6  t'ien-sheng
     2  t'ien-sheng pu shih ch'ing tsao
     4  t'ien-shi
    63  t'ien-shih
     4  t'ien-shih / tz'u-ch'ue: huang shu-chuen
     4  t'ien-shih yue mo-kuei / tz'u-ch'ue: lun-hui = again
     4  t'ien-shih yue mo-kuei / tz'u-ch'ue: lun-hui yueeh-tui
     4  t'ien-shih yue mo-kui / tz'u-ch'ue: lun-hui / again
     6  t'ien-shih-ko
     2  t'ien-shih-tao
     2  t'ien-sho
    26  t'ien-shuo
     4  t'ien-shuo)
     4  t'ien-shuo,
     4  t'ien-shuo;
     2  t'ien-t'a
     4  t'ien-t'ai
     4  t'ien-t'ai yin = mount tiantai prelude
    42  t'ien-t'ang
     4  t'ien-t'ang / tz'u-ch'ue: t'eng-ko-erh
     4  t'ien-t'ang = paradise / tz'u-ch'ue: t'ang-ch'ao ; yen-c
     4  t'ien-t'ang = paradise / tz'u-ch'ue: t'ang-ch'ao ; yen-ch'an
     4  t'ien-t'ang,
    42  t'ien-t'ien
     4  t'ien-t'ien k'an-tao ni
     4  t'ien-t'ien yu shih-chien

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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