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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "ta hsi-hsiang (i) "

    16  ta hsi-hsiang
     8  ta hsi-hsiang erh-tuan) / liang hsiao-t'ing yen-ch'ang
     8  ta hsi-hsiang erh-tuan) / wang feng-yu yen-ch'ang
     8  ta hsi-hsiang i) / liang hsiao-t'ing yen-ch'ang
     8  ta hsi-hsiang i) / wang feng-yu yen-ch'ang
     2  ta hsien feng
     6  ta hsueeh
     7  ta hsueeh hsiao
     2  ta hsueeh ya pu tao ch'ing-sung tu-ch'ang, ho-ch'ang) =
     2  ta hsueeh ya pu tao ch'ing-sung tu-ch'ang, ho-ch'ang) = heav
     4  ta hu shang shan
     4  ta hu shang shan = hunting tigers up the mountain
     4  ta hu-chia
     4  ta hu-chia = da hujia / played by yao bing-yan with tie-
     4  ta hu-chia = da hujia / played by yao bing-yan with tie-he-w
     2  ta hu-chia chue shen-ch'i mi p'u = a long air on the tar
     2  ta hu-chia chue shen-ch'i mi p'u = a long air on the tartar
     4  ta hui/yin-yueeh-chieh
     2  ta hung
     7  ta hung ch'i
     8  ta hung-hua / pei-ching fen-ssu-t'ing yu-erh-yuean hsiao
     8  ta hung-hua / pei-ching fen-ssu-t'ing yu-erh-yuean hsiao p'e
     4  ta hung-tsao-erh = the big red dates
     6  ta huo
     2  ta huo shao lai la !
     4  ta huo shao lai la!
     2  ta huo shao lai la! : ko-chue hung hsia hsuean-ch'ue
     2  ta huo shao lai la! : ko-chue hung hsia hsuean-ch'ue / s
     2  ta huo shao lai la! : ko-chue hung hsia hsuean-ch'ue / shih
     2  ta huo shao lai la! ko-chue hung hsia hsuean-ch'ue) / sh

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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