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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "ta-yueeh tsai tung-chi "

     4  ta-yueeh tsai tung-chi / tz'u, ch'ue: ch'i ch'in
     4  ta-yueeh tsai tung-chi / tz'u-ch'ue: ch'i ch'in
     8  ta-yueeh-chin
     8  ta-yueeh-chin sung / t'ien wen tz'u ; ma k'o ch'ue ; yin
     8  ta-yueeh-chin sung / t'ien wen tz'u ; ma k'o ch'ue ; yin li-
     3  ta.jen-ch'in
     3  ta.sang-pao
     4  ta:
     4  taara
     4  taara jala / ali azmat [comp.] ; sabir zafar [lyr.]
     4  tabi
    12  table
     2  tablet
    59  tachai
     4  tachai's
     4  tachai-type
    26  taching
     2  taching,
     3  tachipan
     4  tade
     4  taegum
     4  taegum music
     2  taehongdan
     1  taei
     2  tag
     2  tag ein
     8  tages
   193  tai
     4  tai hsien
     4  tai huir

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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