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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "tang-ping chiu yao tang hung-chuen (ch'i-ch'ang) "

     2  tang-ping
     2  tang-ping chiu yao tang hung-chuen ch'i-ch'ang)
     4  tang-shih
     4  tang-t'ou
     4  tang-t'ou,
    25  tang-tai
     2  tang-tai liu-hsing yin-yueeh te kuei-chi
     5  tang-tai yue-kung huan hsin-t'ien ho-ch'ang) = iron will
     5  tang-tai yue-kung huan hsin-t'ien ho-ch'ang) = iron will cha
     4  tang-yue
    20  tang-yuean
     8  tang-yuean teng-chi-piao
     8  tang-yuean teng-chi-piao erh) / hsue li-hsien, chu hui-c
     8  tang-yuean teng-chi-piao erh) / hsue li-hsien, chu hui-chen
     8  tang-yuean teng-chi-piao i) / hsue li-hsien, chu hui-che
     8  tang-yuean teng-chi-piao i) / hsue li-hsien, chu hui-chen ye
    16  tangchao
     4  tangchao yuedui
     4  tangdai
     2  tangdai yinyue shi de yanjiu
     2  tangdai yinyue yu gupu yidu
     4  tangguo
     4  tangguo shangdian
     2  tango
     2  tank
     3  tanks
     2  tanz
     2  tanzen
     2  tanzen viel
   492  tao

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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